Chapter 10

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"Your Highness, you need this kind of person!" Shen Muting's index finger stroked Yue Zhuming's Adam's apple, with a smile on his brows. The cunning in those eyes clearly told Yue Zhuming that he could not give him a piece of the sky just by being ruthless today. , he needs to have more far-reaching planning.

    These Yue Zhuming understand, but he doesn't like playing tricks with others.

    Yue Zhuming looked at Shen Muting, the surface was light and cloudy to the point of a kind of "immortal", but his mind was a bit terrifying.

    He thinks more and takes longer than him, obviously he doesn't even want to take a few steps.

    If Shen Muting was just seeking some protection from him, why did he do this?

    Seemingly seeing Yue Zhuming's thoughts, Shen Muting's fingertips gently circled his Adam's apple, feeling that Yue Zhuming was cute when he was willing to use his brain, and he didn't say much.

.It is also indecent to come and go, Yue Zhuming lent him a knife, and he gave it back as it should.

    Yue Zhuming didn't speak, just looked at Shen Muting's half-smiling lips, and suddenly had the idea of ​​swallowing people into his stomach.

    "My lord, it's here!" Qiu Xuan's voice rang out.

    Shen Muting pushed him away indifferently, got up and lifted the curtain of the car, looked back and said, "Your Highness?"

    Behind Shen Muting was the silvery white of snow, lining his slender figure, but it gave Yue Zhuming a sense of unprovoked oppression.

    "Aming?" Shen Muting whispered, even his voice was lazy.

    Yue Zhuming returned to his senses and stretched out his hand towards Shen Muting. The moment he held his hand, he suddenly exerted force. Shen Muting was unprepared and fell down towards Yue Zhuming.

.Yue Zhuming put his arms around his waist, looked at Shen Muting with a heavy gaze, and said solemnly, "Why do you think so for the sake of this king, because you are afraid that if this king is gone, you will have no protection?"

    "My lord, I've also made it clear that I love you!" Shen Muting really likes Yue Zhuming. He likes to see him when he wants to be angry but doesn't dare to be angry. He was clearly trying to stretch, but his earlobes turned red.

    Yue Zhuming never believed the word "Xinyue", let alone to him, but Shen Muting gave him a very different feeling from ordinary people, and that feeling was indescribably weird.

    Yue Zhuming looked at Shen Muting's line of sight, as if to stare him out of two holes, Shen Muting couldn't help but tilt his head, and a very light "Huh?" word came out from his throat.

    "This king's words count!" He said that he would protect him forever, so he would be carefree for the rest of his life.

.Shen Muting was a little puzzled. He didn't understand why it was "talking about words" again. Did they say what they should promise?

    In a flash, Shen Muting suddenly smiled, "To say that you are innocent is to flatter you, Your Highness."

    Even if Shen Muting smiled, it was calm, but Yue Zhuming couldn't look away.

    It was obvious that Shen Muting gave him a complicated feeling, but this time his smile didn't seem to be mixed with anything, and it was so clean that it made one's heart tremble.

    Shen Muting found this kind of promise very useful. He repeatedly assured himself that he would fulfill his promise of "no worries for a lifetime".

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