Chapter 26

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This was quite ambiguous, and Shen Muting looked at him and smiled, that smile was very sly, he pulled Yue Zhuming's arm over like a boneless, raised his head and put a kiss on his lips, "Why? I can't wait. ?"

    Shen Muting has always used a pun. In the past, Yue Zhuming would suppress it, but this time, he didn't want to suppress it any more.

    Shen Muting looked at his eyes, reached out and touched his lips, "Did your lord forget what I said? Now, it's not good for your legs."

    "But this king thinks." Before he served Shen Muting for a meal, he hadn't tasted it yet, and his heart suddenly became charming.

    Shen Muting chuckled, "Be patient, my lord, if you can't bear it, you will make big plans."

.Yue Zhuming thought about his "big plan", looked down, sighed, and asked, "When will it start?"

    "You have to allow me to get up first!" After saying that, Shen Muting laughed first, Yue Zhuming: ...

    He coughed dryly, and immediately called a maid to serve Shen Muting to wash and dress.

    When he went out after breakfast, Shen Muting asked Yue Zhuming, "Where does the lord want to take me?"

    In the past three years, Yue Zhuming has basically stayed out of the house, and her memory of Kyoto is still a fleeting glance before the expedition ten years ago, and she turned her head to look at Qiu Xuan.

    Qiu Xuan reported all the places Shen Muting had been to before.

    Shen Muting:  …

    "My lord, are you sure you want to go?1 Qiansifang is a small herdsman's shop. In the past, Shen Muting was taken by Lin Feiyu several times. There was a small shepherd who wanted Shen Muting to redeem his life for him, but Shen Muting was locked up and married to the war king in a blink of an eye. Endless.

    "Sure." Yue Zhuming replied firmly.

    "Okay, let's lead the silk workshop."

    Qiu Xuan and Fu Qin looked at each other when they heard Qiansifang, suspecting that Shen Muting was going to do something.

    Qiu Xuan didn't tell Yue Zhuming about this, because he was afraid that their prince would be unhappy, but now...

    He dared not speak.

    The four of them arrived at Qiansifang. Qiansifang had not yet opened. Fuqin stepped forward and slammed the door. The boss who opened the door was a handsome man with charming facial features. When he saw Shen Muting, he yawned. "Young Master Shen, it's so early." The tone was quite familiar.

    "Master Jiang Fang!" .Shen Muting's tone was alienated, Jiang Jin raised his eyebrows and glanced at Yue Zhuming who was sitting in a wheelchair behind Shen Muting, the corners of his mouth curled slightly, but he didn't pay any attention to Yue Zhuming, but pushed open the door, "How is it? Is it the old rules? "

    Yue Zhuming frowned even more when she heard this, and turned to look at Qiu Xuan.

    Qiu Xuan: ...

    Fuqin had already escaped with an excuse to lead the carriage.

    "It's an old rule, don't call Lin Bai anymore." Lin Bai was the servant who wanted Shen Muting to redeem him.

    Yue Zhuming gradually became unhappy.

    Shen Muting followed Jiang Jin away as if nothing had happened, and Qiu Xuan pushed the gloomy Yuezhuming, not daring to speak.

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