Chapter 15

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During this period, Yue Zhuming also asked the doctor privately, what kind of medicine can make a poisoned person stand up for a moment, but the answer is no, even if he knows why the poison on his body is poisonous, the antidote cannot achieve this effect.

    Who is Shen Muting?

    But no matter how he checked, Shen Muting was the straw vase of the Duke's mansion, and he had not found anything abnormal in his eighteen years of life.

    Shen Muting is like a riddle, you can't see it through, you can't guess it, you can't see through his thoughts, but sometimes it's so straightforward that it's hard to resist.

    Shen Muting could not help but think, closed his eyes and said softly, "Your Highness doesn't take a bath?"

    Yue Zhuming heard the words and said, "I'm standing up!"

    Shen Muting raised his eyebrows and glanced at him, "Yes, it's all up to me." The fox's eyes were full of slyness.

.In the next moment, Yue Zhuming had another meaning in this sentence he often said.

    Yue Zhuming undressed and went into the water, Shen Muting naturally put him up as a cushion, but he was not allowed to move Yue Zhuming, so Yue Zhuming had to look down at him, "How long can I stand this time?"

    "Let's see how your body is." It seemed that if he stood for a long time, his health was not good, and there was another hidden disease.

    Moonlight:  …

    For some reason, he felt as if he was being underestimated.

    This time, Yuezhuming stood for three days. Shen Muting was surprised that Yuezhuming could stand for three days. He thought that Yuezhuming could only stand for two days at most.

    On the fourth day, Fang Shijing returned to Beijing, two days earlier than the previous news.

    However, the first thing he did when he returned to Beijing was not to see Yue Zhuming, but to see Yue Lintian.

.Lin Feiyu was sitting in the pavilion at this time, looking at Shen Muting who was making tea, "Brother Shen, I don't understand, what's the benefit of you helping Yue Zhuming like this?"

    Ask him to say that as soon as the burden is taken away, he will run after him. There is nothing left or right. Why bother to stay in Beijing and play these tricks with others? If I had known that it was inevitable today, Lin Feiyu should not be content with the status quo, and should have run away earlier. .

    "Your Highness has dealt with a lot of troubles for you these days, but you are thinking of kidnapping his husband?" Shen Muting said without looking up, "Brother Lin, his heart can be punished!"

    Lin Feiyu was at a loss for words. She sat down with her knees crossed and took the chess box next to her, "Do you want the next game?"

    "I won't!" Shen Muting removed the chess box he brought over and put on freshly brewed tea, "Brother Lin, you've been staying in the manor for several days, if you want to get benefits from the lord without paying anything. …”

.Shen Muting blew on the teacup and took a sip, "Do you think I'm so fooled?"

    Lin Feiyu:  …

    He really planned to do so, at least he didn't want to get himself caught in it so quickly. It can be delayed for a day. The state banquet is approaching. Everyone in Kyoto is very busy. Every year, Lin Feiyu is dragged by his father to the state banquet. Yes, this year Lin Yuan had the intention not to take him, but he had to go.

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