Chapter 37

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Jing Jing sighed, "I really don't understand, why are you doing this?" In Jing Jing's opinion, Chaozhong doesn't want to stay, just resign, why do you have to guard Sheng Xuan.

    Lin Yuan just laughed when he heard the words, he picked up the cold tea cup on the table, "Drink tea!"

    Jing Mi doesn't understand his persistence, he is an official, and he is ashamed of himself when he sees Chaozhong being defeated like this, but he can't do anything about it.

    Lin Yuan's greatest vision in this life is to see a peaceful and prosperous world. He is used to seeing Fang Ditong and Shen Chi's intrigue, and he also sees Yue Lintian's cautiousness as an emperor, and also sees Yue Zhuming's involuntariness. ...

    He watched too much, but all the calm before, all collapsed in the emperor's pressing against the king of war, and now it is even more disturbing in the court.

    Is it far from the chaos in the world?

.The world is in chaos, who is suffering?

    It's the people!

    Lin Yuan has been unable to figure out why Yue Lintian needs to do this. As an emperor, he personally colluded with foreign enemies. Where did he put Sheng Xuan? And where will the people of the world be placed?

    Lin Yuan drank the tea silently, but thinking back to Fang Ditong's tone when he died, he closed his eyes tiredly.

    The room was very quiet for a while, Jing Jing was from Jianghu, and he didn't understand Lin Yuan's mind, but he could guess a thing or two, but he couldn't say anything comforting, Jing Jing said in silence for a long time: "Actually, you already have a choice in your heart, right? "

    Lin Yuan opened his eyes, "The monarch is not the monarch, and the minister is not the minister."

    Silence:  …

    "I just hate talking to you literati." He lost his mind.

.Lin Yuan just smiled, feeling very sorry for Jing Jing, "You are a person in the world, but you are involved in these things, the old man is really ashamed."

    Silence:  …

    "I can't talk anymore. Are you drinking? I have prepared a good drink. There is nothing that can't be solved by getting drunk. If you get drunk, you will get drunk again. It's just like that."

    Jing Jing has a hobby, that is, he is addicted to alcohol. He is drinking nine days out of ten, but he is rarely drunk.

    Lin Yuan spent most of the time he knew him watching him drink. Those who wanted to get drunk couldn't get drunk, but those who didn't want to get drunk seemed to have never been sober in their entire lives.

    "Drink it, it's lonely to see you drinking alone."

    Silence:  …

    He found that he couldn't take Lin Yuan's jokes either.

    Quietly took the wine, he held the jar and drank, while Lin Yuan drank with the cup.

    Silence:  …

.In fact, he has a lot of questions to ask, such as Lin Feiyu, and the King of War...

    But Lin Yuan obviously didn't want to say it now. He said that he couldn't give any opinion, so he didn't ask. It was more realistic for him to just drink and get drunk.

    Lin Feiyu had nowhere to go, and finally returned to Yan Shifeng's room. Yan Shifeng was helping Jiang Jin deal with her injuries.

    His injuries were tragic, and Lin Feiyu suddenly felt that Shen Muting was really kind.

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