Chapter 41

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"It seems that the people who came to hand over all carry these things with them." Thinking of this, Shen Muting couldn't help but worry, will Lin Feiyu, Yan Shifeng and others encounter such things?

    Ying Shao'an is the priest of the northern kingdom of Moli. Fang Shijing went to the extreme northern frontier that is very close to the northern border of the northern kingdom. What kind of place is the northern kingdom of Moli on the other side of the ice sheet? Why did they never raise troops to invade Sheng? Xuan, Yue Lintian has never been out of Xuanlin City since he ascended the throne, so how did he get on the line with Mari Beiguo?

    It's a pity that Fang Ditong is dead, maybe he knows something.

    But when he thought of this, Shen Muting felt that his idea was a bit ridiculous. Fang Ditong was thinking about Sheng Xuan. If he had known this earlier, how could he have yelled at him that he was ashamed of Sheng Xuan.

.Shen Muting didn't think much, but turned his head to look at Yue Zhuming beside him, with a light smile on his face: "My lord, are you intercepting?"

    Interception will definitely be intercepted, but there are a dozen or so people equipped with machetes, and there are such small gourds on their waists...

    Shen Muting seemed to see Yue Zhuming's thoughts, he said, "Don't worry about me, if you want me, Ying Shaoan is not enough."

    He belongs to himself, and he also agrees that he belongs to Yuezhuming. Others who delusionally think about him will taste everything they have done to him.

    Shen Muting didn't like to kill, but Ying Shao'an, he decided to give him a gift that he was very familiar with.

    It was already deep in the night, and the four of them, Shen Muting, Yue Zhuming, and others immediately chased in the direction the men of the meniscus left, while avoiding the search of the garrison, they searched for the trail of meniscus and others.

.When he was about to approach the inn, Shen Muting saw Xiao Xiao meet with a man with a crescent knife. The man didn't know what to say to Xiao Xiao, and Xiao Xiao's face was ugly and tight.

    Shen Muting squinted his eyelashes slightly, and poured dirty water on Yue Zhuming again?

    He glanced at Yue Zhuming, then looked at Fuqin, Fuqin understood, he and Qiu Xuan used light work, and quickly swept to the back of the inn, while Shen Muting and Yue Zhuming circled forward until Xiao Xiao left with the soldiers, and the men of the meniscus immediately summoned the carrier pigeon.

    Shen Muting and Yue Zhuming suddenly fell from the roof towards it, Shen Muting grabbed the flying carrier pigeon with one hand and took off the letter on its feet.

    ——The King of War has arrived in Fangxuecheng.

.The seven-character tip-off made Shen Muting's mouth twitch slightly. He looked at the dozen or so people on the opposite side who had drawn out their machetes and were waiting in battle. All of them were raw faces. The dozen or so people didn't dare to make a move.

    The leader of the meniscus swordsman glanced at his companion, his eyes did not know what information was being exchanged, Shen Muting threw the pigeon and did not speak.

    Yue Zhuming didn't like to be long-winded either, so he drew his sword and rushed towards the man with the crescent moon knife.

    Yue Zhuming didn't let Shen Muting do it, and at the moment when he did it, Yue Zhuming knew that these people were far inferior to those who assassinated him in the first place.

    Sword and sword shadows, blood splashed, and soon Yue Zhuming and other three people were stained with blood, and when Shen Muting died, they collected a gourd around their waist. The weight of the gourd was different. Shake lightly.

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