So That's How It Is?

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Chres and Trill were walking down the hallway going to their classes. The bell had just rung too.

"Hey lil ma?" Trill looked at Chres.

Chres giggled and looked back at him. "Hmm?"

"You think we could 'chill' this weekend?" Trill put his arm around Chres' waist, causing him to blush and look down.

"Y-yeah, I think we can." Chres stopped to his locker grabbing his stuff. "What time?" Chres closed his locker.

"Anytime you want" Trill leaned against the locker beside him.

"3:00 o'clock okay." Chres went to kiss his cheek and Trill turned his head. Making their lips touch. Chres tried to pull away when Trill grabbed his hips and pulled him closer. He wanted to stop but he didn't. And that's when guess who came out of their room. Jacob....

"Kids." Jacob spoke making them jump apart. "Get to class." He wasn't making any contact with Chres. None.

"Mr. Per-"

"Get to class Mr. August." Trill had already started to walk. Chres had gave up trying to talk to Jacob and just walked to his class.

Although Jacob didn't know the whole story he was still pissed that Chres put in no effort to push away. None. You would be pissed too. Jacob rubbed his head and went back into his classroom as the students began to fill in.

"Good Morning Class." He said dully once all his class were seated. The students noticed and started to wonder.

"Yo Mr. P, Wassup man? You don't seem in the mood today." One of his best students, Alex Martin spoke to him from the middle of the class room surrounded by females. He was a ladies man.

"That's 'cause I'm not." Jacob leaned on his desk.

"Wassup wit chu." Emily, another good student asked leaning forward on her desk.

"Its something you guys don't need to be concerned with." Jacob ranked his hand through his mess of hair and sighed.

"Any of you know how to braid hair." Jacob shook his hair.

"I didn't really have a lesson for today. Your state test and exams don't start till next month so." He shrugged and sat in his chair.

"I can." A student in the back raised her hand.

"Do you have a comb or rubber bands?" She asked walking up to the front of the room. Jacob reached into draw and pulled out both.

"Do what you're gonna do. Just as long as I don't look a hot mess." Jacob adjusted the height of the chair and the girl got to work.

"Relationship problems Mr. P?" Emily questioned.

Jacob let out a sigh, "In more ways than one young child."

"Wow." All the students said in a chorus.


It was around the end of the day and Jacob was packing up for home. He hadn't seen Chres since the hallway scene. It didn't seem like it bothered him but it did. He didn't want to be mad at Chres, but how could he not be. He hiked his bag over his shoulder and walked over to door. The halls still buzzing with students going to practices or detention.

"See ya, Mr. Perez." One of his students, Trevor, waved as he walked to the gym.

Jacob returned the wave. "See Ya T-Man" Jacob pushed open the front doors to the school and walked to the parking lot. In the distance he could see Chres talking and walking with Trill. There wasn't anything he could do. Chres could do what he wanted in sense. Jacob was just his legal guardian really. Jacob climbed in his car and sighed leaning back.


"What made you change your mind?" Trill leaned on his car, pulling Chres to him.

Chres looked down, he just couldn't come out and say, 'Oh me and My teacher boyfriend aren't on good terms because he walked in on us sucking each others faces.' So he gave a simple answer. "Just a change in heart I guess."

Trill smiled slightly. "Well I'm glad you changed your mind. I didn't know how long I could last without you here." He squeezed Chres' waist, giving his neck a little peck.

"Come on get in." Trill moved and helped Chres. When Trill got in, Chres turned his head.

"Where are we going?"

"Just sit back, and let's ride"


Back at their home, Jacob sat on the couch drowning himself in junk food. (Thought I was gonna say liquor. He ain't like his brother)

He wanted to text Chres, because honestly he was worried about him. He looked at his phone then back at the slice of pizza in his left hand. He threw the pizza down and grabbed his phone.

'Where Are You?' -PapìJay

'Oh Now You Want To Talk To Me Huh?' -BabyC

'Listen, I Was Just Mad Earlier.' -PapìJay

'Well, I'm Mad Now. And I Don't Want To Fucking Talk To You Jacob. Fuck You Snd Goodbye' -BabyC



'Chresanto!? You Know What Fuck It. I'm Done Trying To Make It Up To You. Just Know I'm Sorry And I Didn't Mean To Act Like That...' he pressed the send button leaning back. He glanced at the screen to noticed his messages were marked

'Read 5:30PM'

"So that's how you wanna be huh? Alright. Fine by me." Jacob gave a menacing look. If looks could kill, you would be stabbed by a million daggers.


Chres placed his phone faced down, sighing.

"You okay there." Trill leaned forward and kissed his forehead.

"Yeah I'm fine, just some old flame trying to get me back." He lied. He knew he couldn't stay mad at Jacob for long. But Jacob was one to hold a grudge.

"Good let's go for a walk." Trill stood up and pulled Chres to him, wrapping his arm tightly around his waist.

"But.." Trill paused.

Chres turned his head. "But wh-" his lips were pushed against Trill's once again. This time he kissed back with no problem. In the back of his mind he wanted to stop. He just could never bring himself to do it.



I think yes.

I know its been long.

You guys deserved the over due update.

Bye now.


Peace out.

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