Can We Go This Far?

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It was finally the weekend. Jacob and Chres could sat at home in their boxers and watching movies all day if they wanted to but they had other plans... The park I mean. Ya nasty.


"Chres you ready yet?" Jacob stood at the bottom of the stairs, tossing his keys.

"Yeah. I'm coming down now." He jogged down the stairs brushing his hair.

"Boy you barely got hair. What could you possibly be brushing?" Jacob chuckled stealing the brush from him.

"I have something up there obviously." Chres spoke matter-of-fact tone.

"Whatever. You ain't on my level son. Gotta a long ways to go." Jacob flipped his hair.

"Listen here old man. I live with you now. I will cut your hair in your sleep and sell it on eBay." Chres rolled his eyes walking out to the car.

Jacob smirked locking the front door. "then you would have nothing to pull." He mumbled.

Chres stopped and turn around. "What was that Jacob?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Oh nothing." He walked closer until his back was against the car.

"Oh you said something smart." Chres folded his arms against his chest.

"Well I did graduate college two years in front of my class so of course I talk smart. And if you must know, Chresanto..." He leaned closer to Chres putting his lips beside his ear.

"I said if you cut my hair, you won't have anything to pull." He chuckled deeply into Chres' ear, Chres shivered as he looked up at Jacob.

"I-i..." Chres stuttered trying to find his words.

Jacob brushed his lips against the exposed neck of Chresanto August. "Get in the car baby boy. I wanna go to the park."


After hours at the park the two finally made their way back home. The moments before they arrived at the park still replayed in Chres' mind.

"What's on your mind Chres?" Jacob pulled into the driveway, glancing over at Chres he turned the car off. They stepped out of the car before Chres answered.

"Just what you did earlier... Got me thinking."


"The things you did earlier... I've never had someone care about me so much. So when someone does, I don't know what to do. I feel like it's something wrong with it. I don't know if I can do this Jay."

"Do what?" They walked into the house, leaving to close the door.

"Me and You. This relationship..." Chres looked down. His head was lifted up by a finger.

"Listen I know this is all new for you. Its new for me too. But I promise you, I'm not like those guys. I didn't take you in for a quick hit and quit. I took you because I care for you. I don't wanna see you get hurt. I wanna love you Chres." Jacob held Chres' face in his hands.

"Please let me love you. Please your every needs and make sure you have everything you have ever wanted." They stared into each others eyes.

"I want you..." Chres spoke, slightly above a whisper.

"Can We Go This Far? Do you wanna go this far?"

Chres nodded and they walked over the couch. Jacob sat down pulling Chres onto his lap. Biting his lip, Chres wrapped his arms around Jacob's neck. Connecting their lips.

'This is really how far we're going. Wow.' The last thought ran through Jacob's head.


Of course I'll give y'all what you want

But you gotta tell me what it is first.

They gon get busy!

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