Love What You Have...

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I didn't want to keep you guys waiting so here's another chapter


The two walked into the huge mall, hand and hand. Gaining glances from people occasionally walking by.

"So where do you wanna go first?" Jacob looked down at Chres, who's head was resting on his shoulder.

"Uh. H&M sounds good. But," he looked up at the second floor of the mall. "It's on the second floor by the food court."

"That's no problem. We can just take the elevator. " Jacob guided them over to the elevator.

"Aww You two are so cute. Is that your father sweetie?" A lady who looked in her mid-twenties approached them. Before she got close enough Jacob whispered into Chres' ear.

"Just go along with it aight." Causing Chres to nod, tightening his grip on Jacob's hand.

"Yes ma'am. He's my daddy." Chres giggled like a 5 year old, Jacob smiling as he watched.

"How old are you cutie?"

"12." To be honest, he was short enough. The only thing that threw the woman off were his voice and muscles. But she just shook it off.

"Well you dad is pretty handsome." The woman gazed at Jacob. "I wonder if he would like to go on a date sometime."  Her voice filled with flirtatious spirits.

Chres sprung into action saying the first thing that came to his mind. "No. Nobody can touch my daddy. He's my daddy." He snuggled into Jacob's side, wrapping his arms around him while resting his head on Jacob's chest.

Jacob chuckled lightly, placing his hand onto Chres' lower back. "Excuse him ma'am. He just my little protective toy soldier. Daddy's little boy. Um... Saturday would be fine."

She giggled lightly. Little did she know Jacob wasn't actually planning to have a date with her. He had too much to worry about.

"That sounds wonderful." She handed him a slip with her number on it. "We'll meet here."

Jacob nodded taken the paper. Soon she walked away from them.

"Swish." Jacob made the sound effect as he throw the paper in the nearby trash can. Still holding onto Chresanto.

"So I'm Daddy's Lil toy soldier huh? Daddy's lil boy?" Chres giggled as they walked.

"Yeah. You ain't got a problem with that do you?" Jacob raised his eyebrow, hoping his answer was no.

"No. Just as long as you don't have a problem with me jumping on your back while yelling 'Gidde Up Horsey' at the top of my lungs." Chres let go of Jacob stopping him in his tracks. Before Jacob could answer he felt Chres jump on him.

Jacob chuckled running to catch the elevator before it closed. Sending Chresanto into a giggling mess and he watched Jacob lively hair bounce about. When they stepped into the elevator they realized they were alone.

"I think I'll really enjoy having someone like you around for a change." Jacob smiled up at Chresanto as he laid his head in the curly afro.

"Yeah," Chres smiled. "When I was locked down. It gave me time to think and I realize something that my mom will probably never realize."

"And what is that?"

"Love what you have... Because you never know if it may get taken away from you. And you may never get it back. So love it while you can." Chres smiled at his own words.

"Those are some learning words Santo. Sounds like something I would say." Jacob stepped out of the elevator, Chresanto still on his back.

"Let's just say I really like listening to my teacher. He's more of a Daddy than any man will ever be." Chres rested his head on Jacob's shoulder.

Jacob smiled. That's the sweetest thing he's ever heard.... Ever.


So this is sorta from personal experience

I know what it's like not to have a dad.

Not having someone to call 'Daddy'

But when you got a man who's been there through it all.

Brought you your first trampoline.

Who was there at your brother's funeral.

You'd understand where I'm coming from....

Love what you have...

Cause some people aren't as fortunate as you are...

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