thank you

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Thank you all to shower such a good response on the story Especially the last thank you all for your kind efforts.

I know you must be upset with the character of Anirudh here.. the story was like this from bringing..

I had give you guys hint that Anirudh maybe Won't saint here..

Most thought that end, anirudh will be innocent like i did the story "every mirror seems broken"..

But it didn't happen..from starting i  trye to create a buzz for anirudh being good or not.last chapter reveal his true intention..
He was here after the money of bondita.when the story comes on my mind..i were not sure how i make it explore..i have to make him nasty..
Cold heart,moneyminded which hardly could anyone digest including me.
So I thought to try the story is beautiful..
But i said na I were pluzzed so from long time i didn't post new chapter after 1st few..
But you guys request I'm back to this story.the story is interesting what i will.

they are another twist in the story.. another flashback story will appear soon...

Hope you could make the chapter enjoyable to you guys.

Thank you once again ❤️

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