chapter 5 (mature content)

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Chapter 5

Bondita move out from the  bottom of anirudh shily but anirudh take her again in his underneath.
“are you running from me?” he asked softly.while he continued his others work with her body.He thrusting himself into my deep.bondita makes eyes rolled back into her head in pleasure.

Bondita:can i run away from you!
Anirudh: never..

Saying that they make love to each other.
Rounds after rounds.they are unstoppable.they stop when bondita falls in in being tired nuzzling to Anirudh's body.both are naked, covered with white sheet.

Anirudh look at his newly wedded wife who is sleeping peacefully, he move himself away from bondita.he leave the bed , stand by his feet.
He wear his clothes.he look at the watch.
It's 4.30 am.

He wake out of room.He walk out of the house while taking his car.he leave from there.
Naresh, Arvind's friend ,see that.

At morning,

Bondita open her eyes when sun ray hit on him face harshly.she arche her body in bed,but she get pain in her body.

She sat up while feeling the sore.she remember the reason of this pain of her body.from childhood she can't bear pain but today she happily bear the pain.
She looks  her side,she get sad finding Anirudh is missing from room.she grab her clothes which are thrown all over the room by anirudh last night.
He was discarding her clothes like he hate her clothes.

"Anirudh,careful it's my wedding saree."
"But i want to se you just like how you born"

Bondita get all red hearing this while anirudh remove all barred from her soft body.

Bondita look herself in mirror she looks radiant.the must be called newly bride glow.

She come downstairs wearing saree and jewelry duck up as newly wedded bride.but her groom is missing.

Arvind come to her and asked her the reason of her sadness.
Bondita:baba, look.. anirudh is missing from morning.Do any leave his new bride like this?
Arvind:do not get upset.some guest are coming to see have breakfast with me.

Bondita:no baba, today is my first rasoi.i know Anirudh have no family but i want to do these rituals..
I bring rice pudding what i made for you all.

Naresh come to the house and see the father-daughter duo on dinning table. bondita's eyes fall on him.
Bondita:oh Naresh uncle, come have breakfast with us.
Naresh: not now dear..
Arvind,i have talk with you.
Arvind: later,now let me have breakfast.
Naresh: it's important.

Arvind understand this must be really serious thing.he leave from there with Naresh, bondita get upset but she knows her father's work.
She start cleaning the table when she get sacred when someone hug her From behind but she get relax to know that who it is.


Bondita:you scare me.
Anirudh:what are you doing here.
Bondita: waiting for you.come let have breakfast , today i make breakfast.
You have kheer,i have made it..

Anirudh get into thoughts and blut out.

Anirudh:i want to have something else?

"What you want to have?tell me i will cook or asked chef to cook." Anirudh offer while being busy in settling plates didn't saw the face exchange of Anirudh.
In seconds, bondita feels her feets are in air.

Anirudh take him to his hands and said again
" right now,i want to have you again"

Naresh is telling something to Arvind which Arvind hear whole attentively.

At room,

Anidita is undy duvet, making love with each other.anirudh cares her face.while kissing all her.

Anirudh:say my name..
Bondita: Anirudh.
Anirudh: again..
Bondita: Anirudh.
Anirudh: again..
Bondita: Anirudh.
Anirudh: again...
Bondita: Anirudh.. Anirudh Anirudh.

Bonsoir moans at his name loudly as as he pace fast on her.they are sweaty .soak in sweat on their heat.sitll they don't finish it.

Arvind and Naresh were proceeding to Bondita's room,but the sounds which coming out From their room is stop them.the sounds of moaning revealing what position they are in bedroom.

Arvind:we have to do something else to this guy.he is more smart than we thought.
He knows what is coming to him.thats why he is doing all that to Bondita just to make us remember his power and place.

Saying that Arvind leave from there in disgust.naresh follow him.

Water is falling down from the tap on them,but they are busy in the romance on bathroom.being denchen increase them in being arouses.
Anirudh kissing bondita hardly while she is standing on her toe to give equal to him but she can't.
Being higher height, Anirudh dominate the kiss and on her body.bondita close her eyes and feels him.she is enjoying this continue romance from last night.
After a lot struggle, finally she get her love now she don't want anything else.
Their love should always stay like this.

Anirudh put bondita on bathtub and sat next to her.she look shy and look other side,she is shy as she know what is is going to do next and that he done.
He entered into her, Bondita moans and kiss his lips.

At study,
Arvind: it's you, Naresh,if you didn't stop me yesterday, today we may not see this day.

This guy is fraud

And i let him being with my daughter.he is doing all this to my sweet daughter.

Naresh: lets not talk about all which already happened.
Let decide how to remove this guy from our life.

"That's not possible"the voice enter to the room.

Bondita is attending guests at hall room talking with some elder ladies.she is all enjoying.

"Where is your husband, bondita?" A lady asked.
"Don't know ,he went to change his clothes upstairs but sitll didn't come. Bondita answered.bondita thought to cilmb the stairs to saw where is anirudh but get interrupt by the guest.

Suddenly she hears some sounds are coming from upstairs..she back to her talk when she again feels they are some sounds of falling..

She leaves her talk and being curious what to stair ,look up.

No soon she finds Arvind fallen down from stair.

"Baba...."she shout loud.all comes to her.
Arvind eyes is open blood is falling from his head.

Anirudh comes there running and find all this.
Anirudh:we have to take sir to hospital.

Bondita stare her father in tension and pray for good health of her father

Flashback end

I know i uploading the chapter after a long time. As i myself was confuse but hope you like it and please share your views, your like and dislike in comment section it will help me to write better and helps you to get a great story to read.

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