chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Anirudh and Bondita stepped through the threshold of their home, their faces etched with the pain and exhaustion brought about by their recent ordeal. The once vibrant and lively Bondita now leaned heavily on Anirudh’s arm, her body weakened by the difficulties of her pregnancy.

As they entered the living room, a sense of devastation hung heavy in the air. Bondita’s complexion had paled, her delicate features a stark contrast to the agony she had endured. Anirudh, determined to be her rock, held her hand firmly, providing her with much-needed support.

Bondita spoke in a barely audible voice, her words a mere whisper, trembling with a mixture of despair and an unyielding spirit.

“I-I can’t believe this is happening, Anirudh. Our child, our dreams... everything is slipping away,” she admitted, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Anirudh, with eyes filled with determination and unwavering love, squeezed Bondita’s hand gently, silently conveying his fierce resolve.

“No, Bondita. We must stay strong. We’ve faced countless obstacles together, and we will endure this as well. Our love will find a way,” he assured her, his voice filled with unwavering conviction.

Bondita managed a feeble smile, her strength shining through her vulnerability. Anirudh led her to the couch and guided her down slowly, careful not to cause her any further discomfort.

Kneeling before her, Anirudh locked eyes with Bondita, his gaze filled with unwavering support.

“You are the strongest person I know, Bondita. I have seen you conquer every hurdle that life throws at you. And this time will be no different. We’ll fight for our child, for your recovery, with every ounce of strength we have left,” he declared, his hand tenderly caressing her cheek.

Tears welled up in Bondita’s eyes as she reached out, cupping Anirudh’s face delicately. Their connection, in that moment, transcended words. It was a testament to the unwavering love and devotion they held for each other.

“Thank you, Anirudh. Thank you for never giving up on me, for loving me through the darkest of times. You are my pillar of strength. I don’t know what I would do without you,” Bondita whispered, her voice filled with gratitude and emotions too deep for words.

Anirudh interlaced his fingers with hers, gripping her hands tightly, as if holding on to their love in his hands.

“You don’t have to, Bondita. I will always be here for you, through every storm and every triumph. Our love will carry us through even the darkest nights. Together, we will overcome this, and we will welcome our child into this world with open arms,” he vowed, his voice filled with sincerity and love.

In that moment, the weight of their circumstances hung in the air, yet their love and unwavering determination shone bright and unyielding. They found solace in each other’s presence, their foreheads pressed together. Their love would give them the strength to face whatever lay ahead.

Arvind paces back and forth in the study, his eyes filled with anger and a hint of desperation. He can’t believe what he just witnessed. Anirudh and Bondita, getting too close for his liking, jeopardizing his plan to protect his beloved daughter.

The door swings open abruptly, and Anirudh storms in, a fiery expression on his face. He glares at Arvind, ready to confront him.

What do you think you’re doing, Arvind? Spying on us and trying to control Bondita’s life?

Arvind’s anger flares up, and he steps forward, his face inches from Anirudh’s.

I won’t let you ruin my daughter’s life! You think you can waltz in here and sweep her off her feet without consequence? Not under my watch!

Arvind’s words echo through the room, filled with ferocity and determination. Anirudh’s anger dissipates, replaced by a cold resolve.

You should be thankful that i still keep you alive.

Arvind clenches his fist, his nails digging into his palm. He takes a step closer to Anirudh, standing his ground.

(with a warning)
Remember this, Anirudh. If you ever hurt my daughter or jeopardize her future, I won’t hesitate to throw you out of her life, even if it costs me her love.

Anirudh’s eyes narrow, but he remains calm, his voice resolute.

You make enough damage in my life,be it my childhood or my married life. After doing this with bondita you grave yourself.
A tense silence engulfs the room as both men lock eyes, their silence filled with unspoken confrontation. Finally, Anirudh turns around and leaves, the weight of his warning lingering in the air.

Arvind watches Anirudh’s departure, his heart racing with a mix of anger and fear. He knows that the battle for Bondita’s loyalty has just begun, and he must tread carefully to shield her from the impending storm.

Bondita strolls through the garden, oblivious to the storm brewing around her. Little does she know that the two men she cares deeply for are on the verge of an inner battle, all fought for her love and security.


Bondita sits alone by the window in her bedroom, her eyes filled with sadness and worry. She clutches her growing belly, contemplating the uncertainty of her impending pregnancy. The weight of the unknown presses heavily on her, causing her heart to ache with fear.

Anirudh approaches the house, his steps heavy with concern. He senses Bondita’s distress, her inner turmoil, and he knows he must comfort and support her. With a determined stride, he enters the bedroom.


Bondita hears the door creak open and hastily wipes away her tears, attempting to compose herself. She looks up, her eyes locking with Anirudh’s, but he can see past her facade.

Bondita, what troubles your heart?

Bondita tries to put on a brave face, swallowing her fears. She stands up slowly and walks towards Anirudh, fighting back the tears that threaten to spill.

Anirudh, I... I am afraid. Afraid for our baby, afraid for myself. What if something goes wrong during the delivery? What if we lose our lives, or worse, lose our child?

Anirudh’s heart sinks at the depth of Bondita’s anguish. He gently takes her hands in his, offering his unwavering support.

Bondita, I know what lies ahead is daunting and uncertain. But together we shall face all challenges that come our way.

Bondita looks into Anirudh’s eyes, searching for reassurance. She finds solace in his unwavering faith.

I want to believe you, Anirudh. I want to overcome this fear. But the weight of these thoughts consumes me, and I don’t know how to escape them.

Anirudh holds Bondita closer, enveloping her in his protective embrace. His gentle touch sends a wave of warmth through her, easing some of her anxieties.

You are not alone in this, Bondita. We will face the future together, hand in hand. We will hold onto hope, even in the darkest moments. I will be there for you, no matter what happens.

Bondita clings to Anirudh, finding solace in his words and presence. In that moment, her worry begins to fade away, overshadowed by the strength and unwavering love radiating from Anirudh.


Dr. Rishabh sits at his desk, surrounded by medical textbooks and research papers. The gentle glow from his desk lamp illuminates his focused expression as he meticulously goes through the literature, searching for a breakthrough in Bondita’s case.

There must be something here that can help. I cannot give up on Bondita.

He runs a hand through his hair, his mind filled with a mix of determination. A bittersweet smile tugs at his lips, love and worry intertwining within him.

Rishabh’s gaze becomes a cocktail of emotions. Anger flares up, directed towards Anirudh, the man who has captured Bondita’s heart.

How could she choose him? He’s deceitful, unworthy of her love.

Shaking off his frustration, Rishabh refocuses his attention on the medical resources before him. Page after page, he scans through scientific findings, seeking inspiration and guidance to protect Bondita.
His dedication fuels his search as he absorbs information, determined to find a solution. Dr. Rishabh’s love for Bondita propels him forward, eclipsing all doubts or fears. He is committed to safeguarding her, no matter the consequences.

Finally, his eyes land on a passage that sparks hope within him. Rishabh’s face lights up, a plan forming in his mind.

This just might work. It’s a long shot, but I’ll do everything in my power to keep her safe.

He hurriedly jot down notes, outlining a strategy to expose the truth. Dr. Rishabh’s hand moves swiftly across the paper, fueled by determination. He knows the path ahead will be challenging, but he is ready to face any obstacles for the sake of Bondita’s well-being.

With his notes safely stored in his pocket, Dr. Rishabh takes a deep breath and rises from his chair, his resolve unyielding.

(with conviction)
I will not allow anyone to harm you, Bondita. I will fight tooth and nail to protect you.

Leaving the study, Dr. Rishabh’s determination remains unwavering. His heart brims with hope that his efforts will lead to a positive outcome for Bondita. Stepping into the unknown, he embarks on a journey to defend the woman he loves, ready to face any challenges that lie ahead.

Moonlight gently filters through the sheer curtains, casting a soft glow over Anirudh’s bedroom. Anirudh and Bondita lie side by side, their fingers intertwined, their bodies close. In the tranquility of the night, they find solace and comfort in each other’s presence.

Anirudh’s eyes are fixed on Bondita’s belly, his hand resting upon it, feeling the movements of their unborn child. There is a mixture of awe and tenderness in his gaze as he marvels at the miracle of life growing within his wife.

“Can you feel it?” Anirudh whispers, his voice filled with excitement and wonder.

Bondita looks down at her belly, her face glowing with anticipation and joy. She guides Anirudh’s hand to a spot where the kicks and flutters are the strongest.

“Yes, Anirudh,” she replies, her voice filled with happiness. “Look, our little one is saying hello.”

Anirudh’s eyes widen as he feels a distinct kick against his palm. A surge of love and protectiveness washes over him as he realizes the strength and resilience of their unborn child.

“Our baby is already showing such determination,” he murmurs, his voice filled with amazement. “Just like their mother.”

Bondita’s eyes well up with tears, a mixture of joy and sadness. She looks at Anirudh with unwavering love and determination.

“We will face whatever challenges come our way, won’t we, Anirudh?” she asks, her voice filled with hope and strength.

Anirudh’s heart swells with affection for his wife and their unborn child. He leans in and presses a gentle kiss on Bondita’s forehead, his lips lingering there.

“Yes, Bondita,” he replies softly. “We may be facing darkness right now, but will always be a guiding light. We will protect our baby, come what may.”

They intertwine their fingers tighter, their bond fortified by their shared commitment and unwavering love. In the silence of the night, they find solace in each other’s presence and the hope that their love carries for their future.

The room is filled with an air of serenity, as if the universe itself is acknowledging the strength and resilience of this young couple. They know that their journey is far from over, but in each other’s arms, they find the unwavering support and love they need to face whatever lies ahead.

Anirudh sleeps peacefully next to Bondita, their bodies entwined under the warm blankets. Moonlight flickers into the room, casting a gentle glow on their peaceful faces. But beneath the surface, Anirudh’s dreams are haunted by a moment from his past, which has left a deep scar on his heart.


A young Anirudh, sits on the floor of the dimly lit living room. His  mother, stands tall in front of him, a stern expression on  her face.

You have failed me, Anirudh! How could you let this happen?

Young Anirudh looks down, his eyes welling up with tears as he trembles with fear and shame.

I-I tried my best,  maa. I’m sorry.

Her anger erupts, and he raises his hand, about to strike Anirudh. The young boy flinches, bracing himself for impact.

Suddenly, the flashback dissipates, and Anirudh jerks awake. Sweat beads on his forehead as he catches his breath, his heart pounding with residual fear and anguish.

He glances at Bondita beside him, her serene face a stark contrast to the turmoil within him. Anirudh fights back tears, his body trembling with remnants of his painful past.

He gently untangles himself from Bondita’s embrace and slides out of bed, careful not to disturb her peaceful slumber. Anirudh walks over to the nearby window, seeking solace in the serene night sky.

As he gazes out into the darkness, tears spill down his cheeks, a cascade of emotions escaping his stoic facade. The weight of his childhood trauma crushes him

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