part 4 (mature content)

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Part 4:-
Arvind hear some steps sounds at the door, it's Turns out to be Bondita at the door, Anirudh at her side.bondita have sindoor at her mang as bride form.where Anirudh in well dressed shirt pant.Today he is dressed in well mannered like a boss do.and his brochure fick at Arvind's eyes.anirudh is holding her hand with his right hand and left hand hang their vermalas

Arvind slowly walk to her.the situation is tensed..all relatives are in tensed and worry.they all loved bondita.
Arvind went infront of bondita and he raises his hand angrily to slap Bondita, but Anirudh grabs his hand,he pleaded him not to.
Anirudh: please sir don't do this.

Arvind pull out his hand from Anirudh's hold steps away.
Arvind: Anirudh did you forget the  favours that i have done on you.
Anirudh:those favours are very big, and that i cannot make the mistake of forgetting them.I never wished to come here,as i knew sir that you had found about my relationship with Bondita.
Bondita i didn't tell you the truth..
But as soon your father knew about our relationship.He called him to his office and had counted all the favours that he had done on min. That he had given Anirudh the signal to stay away from his daughter.

Bondita is shocked to know she thought anirudh is not having enough gust to face his father and she is anger on him but her father was behind iy

Anirudh:sir, if only you had asked me once, i would have left Bondita that very moment.

Anirudh steps toward to Arvind.
Anirudh:i understand you ar is wrong,any father of this world would want their daughter to have all the happiness in the world,

i know sir, I won't capable of giving all the happiness to Bondita.

In that bondita nod no to disagree with him as she knew what he would give to her is that love ..his unconditional love.

Anirudh:your daughter loves me a lot even after i try to be away from her,she run after me.she were about to take her life which make me do the marriage.
As she will take her life..

Arvind is tensed hearing all that about his daughter..this Anirudh trapped his innocent daughter in terrible.the matter too understand by Naresh, friend of Arvind and father of sameera,she already told her father about all this.
Naresh whispered to Arvind's ear.
Naresh: Arvind, it's a critical situation, think wise.its matter of your daughter.she already got married to this guy..
He would do anything to your daughter.accept him now later find a way to catch him.
Arvind:do you love my daughter.
Anirudh: more than myself.
Arvind: would you do anything for her.
Anirudh: you just ask me.
Anirudh:i will accept your both relationship..if you agree for something.
Now let's come inside.

Bondita get happy.and hug his father in teary eyes.she thanked him
Bondita: thank you baba..
Arvind: your happiness is most important to me.

Arvind hug his daughter,he looks at Anirudh who is giving  geniue smile to the duo.arvind get suspension after he heard all that from  sameera.

At study,
Anirudh talking to his Arvind.
Arvind: i agreed to the marriage but now you have to do something for me.
Anirudh: what's that?sir.

Arvind: you have  to stay with bondita in this house,with us.
Anirudh: no sir, i can't be a ghar jamai.i have my principles.i know I don't have enough money for comfortable life for Bondita but i will try hard for it.
But taking all that from you.. I can't accept.

Arvind:who said you will be ghar jamai. i want to keep you as my son.
Anirudh: sorry sir but my answer is no,
i can't do this, i agree with it that bondita may won't got all the happinss in my small house but i will keep her happy as well , won't give her a chance to compliance.
You already do so much for me.i got  everthng from already in your debt.
Please don't increase it accept our marriage, it's a big favour on me.But please i dont want any more favors fom you.
Arvind: am i doing a favour on you ?im asking a favour From you as you know bondita is my only child,i want to stay with her.
I you  don’t have a family either so you will get a family in us.i know you are orphan, don't have parent not any relatives , nothing.
Don't you think with this you orphan get family.
Bondita who were silently listening all this from sofa she stood up "Anirudh is not orphan nor alone. I'm with him always as his family.

Arvind:i know dear..but you think..the marriage how not feeling well to send you away.
By staying here.i will get the chance to stay with my daughter.You at least understand me dear.

bondita know feel his father being dramatic now to send her away,she too don't won't to be away from father.she thought if they stay for some time after Anirudh win her father confidence again.
Then they will apart from the house but stay always in touch with her father.
Bondita: anirudh,i know you are independent on your own but sometimes you have to break your rules for your loved ones.baba is not feeling well.we would stay here..
After that i will go where you want to go with you.and this is my wedding gift AM asking  you..

Anirudh sighed after being defect, bondita asked this as her wedding could he now be disagree..
He just nod and bondita get happy.
Arvind give a wicked smile.finally he will find a way to throw him out of his daughter life.

At room,
The room is well decorated for First night.the flowers are all over the room.
Bondita is looking at the moon,she is nervous Also excited for this night.what Will would they do..will she get much pain as people say first time people get so much pain.anirudh always used to kiss her and they would move forward but she stop him then as she was not ready and they are not married he is her husband.he get all rights on her.would she satisfied him.

Soon Anirudh come out of the bathroom,he throw his vest coat on sofa and his towel after dy his hair.he than look at his newly wedded wife who charmingly smiles at him.

He sad on the edge of bed.bondita work to her.
Bondita:do you need something.
Anirudh:yes..i need something now immediately.
Bondita: you say i will try to bring..

Bondita was cut when Anirudh hold her palm and make her sit on his lap.
Anirudh: you..i need you..

Bondita get shy while Anirudh approaching to her red lips.bondita turn her face away from his lips but then again accepting his love on her lips.Th

Arvind and Naresh are talking to each other.
Arvind: only because of you..i accept the assistant as my son in-law.
Naresh:i know it was difficult but think about your daughter.sameera tried already but she failed and what happens after that their friendship broken.
This guy intention is strong enough.
We have to catch him red handed.


Anirudh glanced at bondita's breathing heavily chest. Her firm, ample breasts strained the buttons on her blouse. He slightly lowered his head to peek through the openings at the soft skin. Anirudh place his finger down her arm to the soft skin on the inside of her elbow. Bondita is panting because of his torture. Her eyes were closed and sweat trickled down her neck and disappeared behind her blouse. He could see the outline of her hard nipples.
His finger was only inches away. So far, it had all been innocent play. Real play is still had to start.

The clothes are discard to all over the room.anirudh make bondita lie on the bed.they hide himself in a comforter.
Anirudh is kissing her lips,his hand reach from her shoulder to her bare breasts. She jumped with the electrifly of  her breasts, Anirudh smiles at her reaction.
Anirudh: tonight brace yourself as you are getting such things that never happened on you.saying that he removed his hand from her bare breasts but replace it with his mouth..bondita is about to jump off but Anirudh hold her  in his arms.

soon his two fingers worked into her,her eyes rolled back into her head.She was twisting from one side to the other, her hands gathering up the soft sheets at her sides into knots. He began a steady rhythm as his tongue flickered over her, and she couldn’t prevent her hips from rising to meet his thrusts. she was riding his hand.He slips his lips against her,her mouth with his tongue. She moan and pull his body down tightly against her
He position himself between her legs. She cradled his hips with her thighs.
Her pussy was wet and open reached down to grasp his erection.
Anirudh comes to her face to ask permission Bondita kiss her eyelids.
In no time,his dick come inside of Anirudh..
Bondita: Anirudh....

Anirudh drove himself harder into her. She was whining with pleasure and that was good. He is thrusting himself to herhe slowly moved up and down,his thrusts increased..
All night the room fills with their moan and groan.. their skin not leaves each other..they are breathless but sitll pleasure themselves

Precap: anirudh bondita love on

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