chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Bondita open the cupboard of her And search something or should say act to search something and in this way,she could hide tears from Anirudh.she paster a fake smile on her face.she take out some old clothes.

Bondita:see you know whom clothes these are,mine when i saw baby..baba loves me so much that he store all these clothes and they said child should wear father's old clothes.. I don't have your clothes so we will work on this..
This towel,baba said maa make it for wear him/her when he born.dont know when child will born..i would be there..

She was cut by Anirudh who hug her tightly.. bondita too can't stop herself and break into tears.

Anirudh: nothing will happen to you, I won't let anything to you..
Bondita: anirudh, I'm feeling sacred ..
Anirudh:hey.. I'm here right i will fix don't need to sacred..

At study,
Anirudh cut the call..He is dejected with the doctor response..but he won't accept the defeat.he will find the best doctor to treat bondita..who will save bondita and his child..
His child..
In all this choase ,he forgot about the child .he is becoming father..he should celebrate this good news but destiney have another plan...
His child ..he will becomes father.. it's a different emotions.his heart filed with joy

Suddenly he heard sounds of moan in pain of bondita.he find her bed holding her leg .
He sat in bed near her feet.
Anirudh: what happened?
Bondita: don't know ,my feet are said it's common in pregnancy.

Anirudh:wait i give you medicine.

Anirudh stand up to bring the medicine box.

Anirudh: what..
Bondita: I can't have medicine in like these..i need doctor suggestion.. can't have medicine all the time.
Anirudh:but you are in pain.
Bondita:but child will be effect..

Anirudh sat on bed again and take up bondita's feet in his hand.
Bondita: anirudh..what are you doing?
Leave my feet..
Bondita: you are my should not touch my feet.
It's sin.
Anirudh:what is sin and the what is virtue?whom we are to decided.
Right now,for me my wife is in pain.and i have to take care of her by massaging her feet.
Bondita: Anirudh, don't do this.. leave it.
Anirudh: don't you massage my back when i come from work and have a bad backpain.
Bondita: it's my duty to take care of you.
Anirudh:so isn't it husband's duty to take care of his wife.
Bondita:yes.. but..
Anirudh:no if buts..just lie down and i will take care of all it.
Bondita: Anirudh you didn't have dinner also..go have it
Anirudh:be quite and lie down on bed.

Bondita lie down on bed being hesitate as Anirudh touching her feet,she is embarrassed as her husband is massaging her feet ..its was unseen in that era..
But she feel relief and relax with his massage.she herself don't know when she fall on sleep.

Saudamini take out some diaries and cursing Anirudh.

Saudamini:his wife is ill and he is making me do work to take out numbers of doctor...
First he made Bondita pregnant now she have illness..when will i get peace ..i was the always with Anirudh for my own reason.i will get all that luxury..but Anirudh is not with me..
Don't know why he get so for Bondita.bondita is having everything what i want..
But anirudh..

She brings out numbers of the international ..
Its dr.. Rish.. Rishabh..

She stop when she get to know about the doctor who would be best for Bondita..its Dr.rishabh,whom she and Anirudh frame and throw him out of town.

Saudamini: poor bondita.. Anirudh will Never let Rishabh get back to their lives.
Whom she will get treated.

It's morning,

Bondita open her eyes when sunray hit on her soft skin.bondita feel something on her feet.she look down and shocked to find anirudh sitll massaging her feet while his eyes are closed little.he is sat on bed and his hand working on her feet.its mean he was Anirudh massaging her feet all night.

Bondita: Anirudh..

Anirudh wake up from sleep.
Anirudh: yeah bondita what happened do you need something.
Bondita: you was like this from yesterday.

Anirudh:yeah..when i stop massaging you do moan in pain so i keep doing..
Bondita: that's mean, you didn't have food now.

Anirudh is taken aback with her care for him.he just nod in yes.

At breakfast table,

He is checking out the reports .he is playing to send these to London for test.

Bondita look at anirudh. She keeps Her hand in his.

Bondita: Anirudh.. don't take tension..we would fine best doctor for it.
Anirudh: yeah.. I'm working on it.. Don't worry.
Bondita:are you saying this to me or yourself!

Bondita smiles little and get back to have food.

At Arvind's room,

Anirudh open the door of Arvind's room,he saw him being in sleep.

Anirudh take out the medicine in his hand and approach towards Arvind.
When he wasn't walking towards Arvind.
Doctor's words played on his mind.

"Mrs roy Choudhury may need boon mero during her delivery..its very difficult as in relative have same boon mero.., only mr.das is in such condition ,we can't use him and get another boon it would be difficult."

Anirudh are going to inject the medicine on Arvind but stop as he think of bondita, she will need Arvind.for her safety and for her happiness and for her treatment..
Bondita need to be happy and her biggest happiness is when her father will recover but it will be not so good for him..
But bondita..for her health too..arvind need to get up..

He stop his injection and about to leave.
He stop.he did fight with his heart.he goes back to Arvind and inject him.

At station,
Rishabh get off from the Train..and look at the city of Calcutta.last time he had to bear so much thing here in this capital , don't know what store this time.

Precap: complications...
Help me to write more..

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