part 2

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Part 2:-

3 years ago,
Calcutta club,

Anirudh and bondita entering to the privilege club of Calcutta.they both are Hand in hand.bondita see Anirudh look uncomfortable.
Bondita:what happened?
Anirudh:why did you bring me here?
Bondita:arre today is birthday of my best friend sameera and she wanted to have you in this party.
Anirudh: you know right I don't like be with your rich friends..i have not status to match with them..i feel ashamed.
Bondita:hey,dare you talk like that.
You are the bestest from all because you have me.
Anirudh look on darkly to her eyes.
Anirudh: bondita,i promise you,
one day,i will own everything and be the beaten from all..most successful.
Mark my word.
Bondita smiles at his promise but she try to replace something.
Bondita:that i will be very successful like my father.bug it should be your success not any ego crash.

They were cut when sameera comes there.
Sameera: bondita, you are late..i was waiting for you so long.
Bondita: sorry, actually Anirudh need time to come.
Anirudh Hand over a flower bouquet to her.
Anirudh: happy birthday.
Sameera: orchard flowers, definitely bondita buy These rich and classy flowers for me.

In sameera's words,she totally mock anirudh's financial condition.bondita get upset as her boyfriend is feeling Dishonored.
Sameera: leave it, guess rite come from Germany come lets meet.

Sameera take bondita away from Anirudh. bondita really don't want to be away from Anirudh but nothing like her way.

Anirudh knew what sameera wanted.. sameera really have some problem with him that's why she always grow venom in bondita's mind..but innocent bondita can't hear anything wrong about her lover sitll she care for her very best friend.

Anirudh took a glass of wine and drink it when a British-indo girl come near to him with a stutty glace.. Anirudh realise look pissed when he saw Bondita is busy in her friends gossiping.what to buy, where to tour.

Girl: look like you are alone in this party?
Anirudh: yeah almost.
(being pissed with bondita)
Girl:then why don't we have another party away from here.

Anirudh look at the girl darkly.
Girl:i feel arch in my body after seeing you.. let spend some especial moment together.

Anirudh look at her with smrik on his face.

Bondita after some time look at the counter where anirudh sat for drink.
Bondita: where is anirudh?
Sameera :i know where he is.
Bondita: where?
Sameera:he is there where he is cheating on you.
Bondita: sameera, did you realise what are you saying?
Sameera:i saw him going upper floor room with a girl.
Bondita: and that made him cheating on me.they might be some reason.
Sameera: you are very innocent bondita,and he is using your this innocence.
Bondita: sameera, please don't say like this.i believe him.
Sameera:then come with me.
Today your This trust will broken..

They step towards the upper floor to the rest room.sameera open the door and what they saw is bring tears in bondita's eye ,she is in disbelieve..
Anirudh is holding that girl from shoulder and his back rested on the wall.
The girl's hair is messy so as Anirudh.

Anirudh: bondita...he free himself from that girl and come to bondita who look numb at him.sameera speak up to that moment. saw all this,what were he was doing in this room with this girl.
Anirudh: bondita,what you saw is wrong i were not doing anything.
Sameera:do we look bilnd to you?.we saw what were happening here.
And bondita do you still believe him.
Anirudh: trust me, bondita.
Sameera: I always asked you never to trust this boy look what he turn out.
Girl: darling let's finish what you have started.

Anirudh  don't hear anyone's talks,he cup her face which full of tears.
All the accuses are falling on him and he is trying to make them realise his innocence and his bondita is totally numb with this.and this sameera talk all rubbishing about him again and again.
Now he had to put the end of it.

Sameera: let's go from here bondita.
They were leaving When  Anirudh stop them at door.he lock the door  and turn at that girl darkly.
Anirudh:yes darling, let's again do that,lets continue what were we doing..let finish it Infront of these two girl.
Bondita is totally shocked to see the attitude of Anirudh.the girl get nervous.anirudh walk to her being deadly.
Bondita: anirudh..
Girl:hey.. stop..
Anirudh hold her hand
Girl:hey.. stop..

Bondita could not figure out what to do.. sameera went to them and try to free that girl from Anirudh.
Girl: sameera,help me from this Psycho,you ask  me to just acting  instead of money but he really took me seriously.

The girl confession being in nervousness while Anirudh give her a Winning smiles to them.bondita look at in bink.
Anirudh: your drama is over.

Sameera and the girl both are feeling deeply guilty.
Anirudh:when I heard you saying all those accuses one i understand why this girl behaving to me like This.
I got the idea who is behind her.sameera you might be forgot I'm a lawyer..i bring truth in light.
Sameera: bondita,yes it's true i asked that girl to do all this thing but for your betterment.. And ask him why he come here.

Sameera was cut by a slap of bondita.sameera get shocked while bondita angerily look on.

Bondita: enough..i had enough of you.
Sameera: bondita,you slap me for him. what you do is wrong,how could you do this with Anirudh.i always knew you don't like Anirudh and always keep him low..
I'm always used to be sad about it but stay calm thinking you being protective to me.
But today what you done that my you stoop low in my eyes.
Sameera: bondita..i know my way were wrong.
Bondita: not your way..its you who might never thought ne your best friend that why you could do this.
Sameera: bondita..
Bondita:no more talks of yours.
Today you broke my trust..
Anirudh please take ne away from here.

Anirudh comes to her and hold her by shoulder he take her out of room.

Anirudh sat neat to bondita in car driving seat.bondita look at him with teary eyed.
Bondita: sorry,for that moment ,even i too misunderstood you and didn't trust you.
I'm sorry for it, please forgive me kr punish  me for it.
Anirudh cup her face.
Anirudh: you don't blame yourself.. it's not your fault that your best friend do such nasty thing with you.
Bondita: I'm sorry.

Anirudh comes close to bondita and took her lips in his rough lips.he is kissing her and she to respond to him.the rain is happening outside and weather is cold and inside of this car, situation is opposite its hot in passion.
Bondita and Anirudh passionate kissing each other pouring their love on it.

Sameera walk out to the club for talk..but she finds them in such intimate position,she knows Anirudh is doing this intentionally to make her see their intimacy and make her feel weak as she could not stop all that he is doing with her friend bondita.she could not do anything alas went back to the club.

Anirudh is kissing while he is siding the selves of her clothe from shoulder strap.
That time, bondita come in sense,she broke the kiss and stop him to removing her clothes.they had kiss before but this one is most passionate,but she is still not ready for next step.
Bondita: Anirudh, I'm sorry, please don't mind..but I'm still not ready for it.
Anirudh look at her.

Precap: bondita's marriage get fixed.

So guys, how we the episode?

Have to tell as with you guys response the story will move otherwise it get shut down.

What you think what sameera is done is right?

Sameera's care for Bondita is necessary?

What you think about anirudh's character?

Is he hero or anti-hero?

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