chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Bondita was in the kitchen, bustling about as she prepared a hearty breakfast for the Anirudh . The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon filled the room when Anirudh entered, his expression grave.

"Bondita, what are you doing in the kitchen?" Anirudh's voice was stern as he approached her.

Bondita turned around, a bright smile on her face. "Good morning, Anirudh Babu. I wanted to cook breakfast for  you."

Anirudh's frown deepened. "But the doctor strictly instructed you to rest, Bondita. You need to take care of yourself first before anything else."

Bondita's smile faded slightly as she looked down at her hands. "I know, Anirudh , but I couldn't just sit still. I wanted to help out and do something for the family."

Anirudh softened at Bondita's sincere words. He reached out and gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "I understand your intentions, Bondita, but your health is the most important thing right now. Let me take care of breakfast today. You can sit and rest, and I'll make sure everything is taken care of."

Bondita nodded, grateful for Anirudh's concern. She knew that Anirudh always had her best interests at heart. As she settled into a chair at the table, Anirudh took over the kitchen duties, ensuring that a delicious and nutritious breakfast was served to the family.

Anirudh chuckled, shaking his head. "Bondita, you should be resting. Let me take care of breakfast today."

Bondita smiled brightly. "No, Anirudh babu, I want to teach you how to cook. It's my turn to take care of you."

Anirudh raised an eyebrow, looking amused. "Alright, Bondita. I'll be your student. What do you want me to do first?"

Bondita handed him a whisk and a bowl, instructing him on how to beat the eggs for the omelette they were making. Anirudh followed her instructions carefully, a smile forming on his face as he realized how much fun he was having.

As they cooked together, Bondita's laughter filled the kitchen, and Anirudh couldn't help but be amazed at her resilience and determination. Before long, they sat at the table, enjoying the delicious breakfast they had made together.

And as they sat together, enjoying the simple pleasure of a homemade breakfast..

As Anirudh was getting ready for court, his mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Bondita. Suddenly, his  telly phone rang, and he saw it was the doctor calling with updates on Bondita's condition.

"Hello, Doctor. What news do you have for me?" Anirudh asked anxiously.

The doctor's voice was grave as he replied, "I'm afraid there have been no changes in Bondita's condition. The risks of her childbirth remain high, with only a 70% chance of survival."

Anirudh's heart sank at the news. He knew that Bondita was a fighter, but the odds were still stacked against her.

"Thank you for letting me know, doctor. Please continue to monitor her closely and do everything you can to ensure her safety," Anirudh said, his voice filled with concern.

As he hung up the phone, Anirudh felt a surge of determination. He knew he had to do everything in his power to protect Bondita and their unborn child. With renewed resolve, he headed to court, ready to fight for justice and a better 

After Anirudh had left for court, Bondita was feeling restless and worried about her own condition. She couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had settled in her heart since she found out about the risks she faced during childbirth.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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