chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Anirudh is come to the room of Arvind.he saw Arvind Lie on bed as usual all thank to him.he hurriedly Search the medicine.he search all around the bed,floor behind curtain.

Anirudh: where is the medicine,if anyone get it then it can be very wrong for me.

od.. where is that bloody tonic??

"Anirudh.. here are you and I'm searching you all over the house"Anirudh composed himself.bondita come to him.

Bondita:i got to know what were you doing?

Anirudh get shocked.. did bondita found that medicine..did she got to know he was giving wrong medicine to Arvind all these years.bondita smiles.

Bondita:why are you look so shock as i have caught some stolen.. I'm very happy what you are doing for baba..i forgot about it but you didn't.

Anirudh now get confuse for sure bondita don't know his truth.

A British lady come there with doctor apron in the room.her getup shows she is a doctor.anirudh look carefully.. it's not take long time for anirudh to know who is the lady in the doctor's disguise.

It's saudamini

Anirudh chuluch his teeth being angry while saudamini give smrik to Anirudh.

Bondita: you bought dr.betty for Baba 's check up.what all Rishabh drame ,i was not focus.. today morning,i was surprise when i came here and saw her..then she told me,she comes here to do check up of Baba..
Dr.betty, you please sit..i bring Baba 's previous report and something for you have.

Bondita soon she leaves the room, Anirudh clutch Saudamini 's hand tightly.
Anirudh:what are you doing here? did not i told you to stay away from my family.
Saudamini: family..did i heard wrong .

Saudamini free her hand from Anirudh's clutch.

Saudamini:Family anirudh this house and the people who stay at here are your family..means your wife..her father etc etc.. the family, as far i know how to use people first me,then Arvind and in the end Bondita.. you use her for her money. I'm i wrong.
Should I add.
You use her for money and for your sexual pleasures

Anirudh again clutch her hand and this time more agreesively.

Anirudh:dare you say anything wrong about our relationship.
Saudamini: anirudh.. leave me you are hurting me.

Anirudh leave her.he is in anger.
Saudamini: are you hurt anirudh, you are changed now..not that anirudh who only know his emotions works on him..
What happened to you, Anirudh!

Anirudh is silent.

Saudamini:did you taking this relationship seriously.
Don't forget your motive.

Anirudh:i have...

Anirudh silent as soon his eyes fall on Arvind.arvind is listening everything.he can't express himself to saudamini infornt of Arvind.

Saudamini: you should be thankful that i have come and got this tonic here.

Saudamini show him the tonic which Anirudh was searching.

Saudamini:i found it here and I'm sure who done this,its you..if apart from me, anyone else found it,then all your fake mask would come up .
I just come here to tell that you can't send me away.if you did friendship with devil,one day he will appear at your door step.
You can't let me go like this.

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