part 1

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Part 1:-

In 1920,
Tulsipur, Bengal, British India,

People are standing at the house of the biggest lawyer of the Bengal..hope they get justice.. businessmen taking their property to build factories and snatch their lands.
hope Arvind das help them.
They waiting for him for three hours but so sight of him.finally the servent comes to them.
Servent:malik is busy in some family meeting,he can't come you guys go from here.dont crowd here.
The people start leaving i sadness when the servent said to one villager.
Servent: I don't think malik will help you guys..he is the friend of the guys cam talk with his assistant..he may would help you guys.
Villager: assistant..
Servent:yes.. Anirudh babu...
He went to city for some work.he Wil come at evening there you can meet him.
Villager leaves.

At balcony,
Two friends are having tea and discussing a serious matter.
Sameera: bondita.. trust me..i have gut feeling.he is not right for you.

Yes the 2nd girl is bondita.. daughter of Arvind das..her mother died when she was 5 years old.Very beautiful and innocent girl.

Bondita sameera, you must be mistaken.. Anirudh is not like this.

Sameera: I'm not mistaken..that guy is not for you..he is just after your money.
Bondita: and what may you thought that..
Sameera: unfortunately i don't have proof but you trust me right.

Bondita is in dilemma whom to stop one side her childhood friend and other side her love.
Bondita:i believe you..

Sameera smiles in satisfaction but soon her smile fade.
Bondita:but i don't distrust him also.
Sameera: I don't know what magic he Done to become so devote to him.
Bondita:i love him Sameera,and love is giving away yours everything. away you brain also right?
She said being sarcastic and bondita get silent.
Bondita: sameera,you are mistaken.i love him and he too loves me..but he right now he don't have any position Infront of my could he come to him and said sir i love your daughter.wanna marry her.
He need some time
Sameera: bondita.. I'm warning you..he is not good guy.he is here after your money.
I seen him such a ambitious money minded guy he is.he just want to use you as ladder of success..
He have no attachment to you.
Anirudh Roy Choudhury doesn't love you.

Bondita: Sameera I'm already tensed about my father..he is in talk for my marriage.. don't increase it.
Sameera:People become blind in love, had heard this..but they also become bilnd deaf and stupid, I am seeing this now.
Bondita: leave it all.come downstairs..lets have lunch.
Sameera: I don't have time,i just come here to invite you to my birthday party tomorrow at boat club.bring him Also.
Bondita:okey bye..
Sameera start leaving and thinking in her mind.
Sameera: bondita is not believing me..i have to do something.i have to find out about that Anirudh..
Tomorrow party will be the end of bondita and Anirudh's relationship.
(Was sameera's take on Anirudh are right)

Arvind das and his friend Sunil are talking with each other at drawing room.
Sunil:so what you thought?
Arvind:in which matter?
Sunil:to marriage of week Rishabh is coming .let both of them meet each other.
Arvind: yeah.even I'm thinking that's too.till now I did not tell her about this alliance,she would get nervous once she meet Rishabh then i will tell him about it.

Bondita come there and greet Sunil.
Bondita: hello Sunil uncle how are you?
Sunil: I'm fine dear.hows you studying going on.
Bondita: good exam finish just.
Baba i check the lunch.

She was passing by the corridor when someone hold her and drag her to a room.before she could shout.he close her mouth and bondita stop her struggle when she see the person.
Bondita: Anirudh you sacred me.
Anirudh: really.. don't you think anyone can touch you when I'm here.

Bondita smiles and look down to floor.
Bondita:when you come?
Anirudh:when your best friend badmouthing me.

Now Bondita get little tense if Anirudh get hurt with all those words.
Bondita: Anirudh,she is nice at heart..she is protective about me.
That's why she just.
Anirudh leave her and walk in the room.
Anirudh:i understand..

Bondita back hug him and place her chin on his shoulder.
Bondita: today i made your favourite food..
You stay here i just bring it here.

Bondita leaves and comes here with a plate of food.
Bondita:here it is.
Anirudh: you feed me.
Bondita: are you a child.
Anirudh:no but i would like to be..

Saying that he place his mouth on her breasts over the cloth to suck.bondita immediately aback.
Bondita: anirudh stop.. someone will come..okey okey..i feed you.
Anirudh smiles at his win.bondita lovingly feed him with all care.

3 years later,

Bondita wake up from her sleep she sat down.her body is paining For last night torture by his husband Anirudh.she smiles and cares his hair with all love and then move out of bed.

Bondita comes to kitchen after bath.sje see servent are doing their work.
Bondita:you let it i will let me use the stole for making coffee for Anirudh..and did you give tea to baba.

Bondita was making coffee when she hears shouting.
"Bondita, where is my blue file? "
Bondita shout from kitchen.
"Bondita,its there at the table"
"I'm not getting it"
"I come"

Bondita come there.anirudh is his shirt vest and pant with eyeglasses.
(Same look after leap)
Anirudh: where was you? My file is not getting.
Bondita:i search..
Bondita search and found his file.he take the file.
Anirudh: why you touch my things when you can't place it correct.
Bondita; anirudh, why are you talking to me like this!
Bondita said this while having tears in her eyes.
Anirudh:so I can't say anything now otherwise you will start crying?
Bondita; it's not like that.
Anirudh:let it be..
anirudh let it be..i leave otherwise you will make be bad in others eyes.
Bondita:your breakfast??
Anirudh:you don't need to be think about it.i Will have it at office.

Anirudh leave the room and Bondita stay sad .
(How everything got changed??)

3 years ago,
Boat club,
Mostly rich and influence people are come there.sameera held a grand party on her birthday..not to  celebrate her birthday but defame that anirudh Roy Choudhury and break his relationship with her best friend bondita.

Sameera gives money to a girl who is in sexy avatar..

Sameera:you understand right.what you have to do.
Girl:yes don't one can saved by Mallika's charm.
. sameera smiles and look towards the entrance to the club where anirudh and Bondita are entering.

Precap:hero or anti-hero

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