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It's a presant morning in the mansion who knows a thunderstorm is going to fall on them.
Anirudh is in hall checking out some accounts.bondita comes there with tea in her hand.she serve tea to him.

Anirudh: thank you so much, sweetheart..i really need this.
Bondita:tum subhe se kya kar Rahe hoon accounts ke saath..
Anirudh: there are some shortage in I'm checking out where the mistake happen.
Bondita: Okey..i go to me if you need anything.
Anirudh:i just need only two things.
One is tea And another one is bondita.
Bondita:to make tea for you.

Anirudh laughs."you caught me."Anirudh reply to bondita.

Bondita:you may don't know but i know you,more than you.

Anirudh:nice line...
Now you go..

Bondita start to walk away from bondita with tea in her hand as soon she saw something which shaken her to core.her eyes get widen and breathe get fast.the tray fall from her hand which creates noise bringing Anirudh attention towards her.he jump up from his seat and stand up

"What happened.. bondi..."he shut his mouth when he saw what make bondita shocked.he too get shocked.

Bondita: Baba...

It's Arvind das, finally standing alive Infront of his dear daughter bondita.he is standing at his house.bondita get tears of eyes after seeing her father back on his feet and sense where anirudh is tensed.

Arvind look at bondita who crying tears of happiness and behind her,the cause of every bad thing, Anirudh Roy Choudhury,his son in law.her daughter's husband.he is the reason of what he bear all this.he keep betraying his daughter again and again..

Anirudh can see what Arvind is thinking.anirudh's eyes fall on the basket of fruits where a sharp knife are placed.
He take the khif in his hand.arvind saw it and understand what anirudh is trying to tell "if you say anything , your daughter's life would be in danger"

Stay tuned to know about upcoming story 😉

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