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Dear readers,

Hope you all enjoying this rollercoaster story.when i was writing while setting the elements of my mind..
I thought would be it accept by giving Anirudh such a character like this a power hungry,money,Greedy ,shrewd , cruel.. using emotions of his lovely wife who devote to him,cruel with the
father in-law, whom money and all property take in his name bedridden him . using another women.Untie friendship of bondita and all..etc..

I tried to make it little dark character but my writing is not well expressive.

But sitll all give Good response after the revealation of first few was was question that is anirudh good or bad.
All were assume and accuses Anirudh but bondita never believe them as she have immense trust for Anirudh..she being innocent bilnd trust to him.

Bondita loved anirudh with all heart but is same goes to Anirudh?

I want to say thank to them who support me.. and yes, I'm okey with criticism as i will if some one do it,it make you good at your work,so I'm open for your compialn , you can do don't be silent reader or those who just give a vote and never point out the story..
If votes can express your thoughts on stories,than you be great but alas!
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Okay so as i write the tittle,i want you readers to give review to the comment section about story

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