chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Bondita is sitting on bed placing her back on hardbroad.she take the the sheet to till her breast to hide herself.she look at her side where anirudh fall in sleep after their passionate night.bondita smile looking at him.Bondita think about her life.

Bondita:so many things change right..some years back we were strangers and today we are everything to eachother.i sitll remember how i will insulted by anirudh when he said my voice is so bad.i got so angry on him..and to make wrong .i Start taking music class..and i make my throat swell ..
I was in pain,he make some kada for me.i hate the beverage but it bring my voice back.From that i used to admire him..

Bondita look at anirudh and remember what happened few days all accuses anirudh Even she too believe them and doubts on her love of life Anirudh.she Hurt his self respect in that.
If she was in anirudh's place she might be leave but anirudh understand her and forgave her for his mistake.( Dear bondita.. you are too innocent)

Bondita bend down and kiss on his head.

Bondita:i will always keep you happy...

Saying that, she lie down on his back while Hugging him.she close her eyes and anirudh open his while smrik. "I will always keep you happy" that what he wanted..he wants bondita to be his control.

At Anirudh's office,
Anirudh give the file to the British-indo lady Karine.
Anirudh: I'm sorry mrs karine,i can't take the case of yours against your husband.

Karinee:mr.anirudh, think father have great connection with British governor..

Anirudh stand up from the chair went to the book shelf to took some law books.karine too stand up and saw anirudh in lust,she walk to him...

Karine:if you accept the case, you will get beneficial in all, power and pleasures...

Saying that she hug Anirudh from back.

Karine:i know your wife,she looks boring,i know she may not satisfied you in change the bed with a new bed partner..
Come to my house at 7clock in evening... red wine, beautiful girl will waiting for you.. you will get benefits..more power.. more connection.. more money..
What that bondita have, not a beautiful face ,not any style...stay like doormate...she had such a successful father but what his father bedridden all Day.. come out of this marriage with ugly are handsome deserve to be happy always.
Bye i wait for you..

Anirudh don't say anything just stand like it.

At home,

Bondita is cleaning the study of anirudh when servent mistakenly broke the photo frame.
Servent: sorry ma'am we didn't see that.
Bondita: you should be careful na.forget it.. did you get any hurt.

Servent:no ma'am.

Bondita bend down to take those pieces but get hurt himself.
Bondita:aah ouch..

She looks at the photo of her and Anirudh.she don't feel good.

At evening,

Karine open the door and get happy to see Anirudh there.karine smile.she hold his hand and bring him too the house.

Karine:i knew it.. there are not any man who can refuse me..and such a man like you definitely deserve me.
Anirudh: you are the one who bring me here in your house.

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