Chapter 1

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Key Words

e/c - eye color


You just got back from School. It was tiring like always, you didn't like it ner dislike it except you never wanted to really go there since you were away from the fun.

You rushed up the stairs of your household, dropped the bag on your bed and took your laptop out of it and placed it on the white desk near your bed.

You rushed downstairs to grab some of your favourite juice / soda and grabbed some popcorn, you grabbed a bowl out of the cabinets and dumped a decent amount of popcorn in it and started rushing back into your bedroom.

You placed your food and drink on the white desk and opened your laptop, clicking on Genshin Impact and it started to load.

While you were waiting for it to load, you chose to go grab your phone from your bag and chose to see if there's any new updates if any of your parents texted you.

"..." You stared at your phone blankly, no messages on your phone. Not even your friends texted you "Ugh! That's fine I guess" you mumbled to yourself.

You looked back at your laptop to notice Genshin Impact has finished loading and you walked over to your black office chair and sat on it.

Leaving your phone beside your laptop, you see the door so you click on it to begin and you enter the game now.

"Hmm.. what was I going to do again?" You ask yourself, trying to remember what you were going "Oh yeah! I was gonna try to find Childe some better artifacts" You say excitedly as you successfully remembered, stars becoming your pupils as you smile widely.

"Maybe I should try to search some videos up since I do not know what artifacts Childe uses" You say, changing your mind quickly. You grab your phone that's near you and chose to search up 'Artifacts to use on Childe' and began watching anything that's helpful.

10 minutes later

"Hmm so Childe needs those types of artifacts, I'll do that later plus I can do the Archon Quest now" You quickly put your phone away as you head to the location you are needed to go and you begin doing your Archon Quest.

Around 5 minutes later

"Hmm, I gotta meet somebody who goes by Zhongli?" You mumble, curious on who this man is, you quickly go to that area as Childe and it begins...

After that Meeting

"Hmm, this Zhongli person is acting oddly weird not only that..." you mumbled as you looked back at your screen, now glaring at it directly 'I noticed Childe kept looking at the camera every time, does he do that or is it some type of bug?' You thought as you glared your Childe who you just got yesterday.

'Childe is acting oddly strange as well, I could have sworn I saw his face expression change from a happy to a frowning one' you still continued to glare at Childe, Childe on the other hand thought it looked sorta hot from what you were doing.

"Childe I swear to god if you move a muscle, I will remove you from my team" You say angrily with your arms crossed, somehow Childe just stopped breathing apparently which you gasped.

"OMG! CAN YOU HEAR ME??" You shouted as your eyes widened open in shock, waiting for Childe to at least move to reply back but he didn't...

"Ugh! Nevermind you could move your muscles again I guess..." you mumble which Childe seemed to be doing 'Okay, how the barbietoes did he do that!?' You question yourself, making your own disturbed face.

I should have never wished for you... | Yandere Childe x Reader | Self-Aware |Where stories live. Discover now