Chapter 11

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In the Morning

You then woke up to hear vacuuming noises coming from downstairs, you got up from your bed as you noticed the sheets were also gone which was awfully weird as you made your way downstairs.

"Ah girly! You are awake, I didn't expect you to wake up until another hour" Childe spoke as he stopped the vacuum and looked at you, you looked around to notice Childe was cleaning up your house?

"Are you cleaning up the house?" you asked as Childe nodded 'yes' in reply "You may have to wait for breakfast later girly, you can do something else in the meantime while I finish cleaning the downstairs area" Childe spoke as you hummed in reply then headed back upstairs.

You haven't played Genshin Impact in a few days so why not play it? You went onto Genshin Impact to release 2.2 is now done, Childe's banner is gone.

You updated your Genshin Impact then you clicked on the door to head into the game to release how much primogems you got in your mail "1000 primogems, that's a lot" you spoke as you collected all of them including some other stuff.

You went onto the wishes to notice it was Albedo and Eula's rerun but you had to choose who you wanted to pull for "Let's see.. Eeny Meeny Miny... MOE!" you shouted to see you were going to pull for Eula so you clicked on her banner and did a 10 pull, only to get a purple instead of a gold.

You got another Bennett, Beidou and Thoma which you weren't surprised about, although you wanted another 5* character. You made your Bennett C4, Beidou C2 and Thoma C1 as you sighed that you successfully still got characters instead of 4* weapons.

You then began to play around except you couldn't use Childe in the actual game now so you tried to switch him out with Xingqiu except that didn't work, you then heard somebody running into your room and barging through the door.

"You can't switch me out girly!" Childe spoke as he glared at you "Why not?" you asked as Childe then came closer "Do you want to use me?" Childe asked and you nodded 'yes' Childe then placed his index finger on the screen as it became slightly glitchy.

Childe himself then appeared on the screen except Childe is still beside you? How does that work? "HUH! IF YOU ARE THERE, THEN HOW ARE YOU STILL HERE!?" you shouted as you questioned Childe but he simply chuckled.

"Let's just say that I added a piece of myself into the game so you could still play with me, enjoy yourself girly~" he cooed as he kissed your cheek then left the room, you then began to play with Childe like you usually did.

You were now doing your Archon Quest which you were really excited about, you began to play around and do the tasks that you were told to do.

1 hour later

"Hey girly~? I called you for breakfast 10 minutes ago, are you coming-?" Before Childe could finish, you rudely shushed him "SHUT IT! I'M WATCHING THE CUTSCENE!" you shouted as you turned back to your screen, Childe looked at your screen to notice that you just finished fighting him and you were watching that scene where he summoned Osial.

You looked at Childe angrily at the screen meanwhile the Childe who is actually with you in real life looked at you then laughed "Are you mad because of what I did?" he asked as you looked at him with a grumpy looking face.

"I had to fight you then you summoned Osial, really?" you said angrily as Childe simply laughed "Well real me is right here, you are just seeing what actually happens in the game" Childe spoke as he came closer and looked at the screen "Hmmm... I think I look better in real life than the actual game" Childe spoke as he chuckled.

"Nah ah uh! I think you look better in the game instead of being in real life" you teased him as Childe began to whine again like a child "Just come downstairs and eat your breakfast" Childe pouted as you laughed, you then followed Childe downstairs to go eat your breakfast.

I should have never wished for you... | Yandere Childe x Reader | Self-Aware |Where stories live. Discover now