Chapter 9

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Childe finally finished murdering his rival, he found better now since she was finally gone and now he was coming back home to you with his clothes bloody and his belongings that were also bloody.

He stuck through the back door which was still thankfully open, it was nighttime now and you were still asleep happily, Childe came into the room to notice you happily sleeping which made him even more happy.

He then went into the room where you placed his clothes, he got clothes that were clean then headed back into your room so he could shower in your bathroom.

He then took off his clothes, only leaving his clean boxers on and he placed the bloody clothes on the clean bathroom counter which now became bloody due to his bloody clothing.

He turned on the shower into a good warm temperature, he grabbed the bloody clothes then he wrapped a towel around his waist as he went into the laundry room quickly.

He made sure all of the clothes in the washing machine were gone then placed his bloody clothing into it as it began to wash itself, he went back into the bathroom quickly and double checked that you were still sleeping which you were.

He took off into the bathroom then hopped into the shower, he grabbed the shampoo bottle the squirted some of it on his hand then began to clean his hair.

Oh how he wished you both showered again like you did last time with him, he began to smile happily from thinking of you then he washed off the remaing shampoo parts on his hair with the water.

He looked down to notice a piece of glass on his leg, he grabbed the piece of glass of his leg which caused no pain then looked at it, he felt angered to think of that girl who tried to take you away from him.

He threw the glass out of the shower as he then grabbed the body soap and squirted some of that on his hand and began to clean his body which thankfully most of the blood on it came off.

Once he finished showering, he got out to change into his fresh clean clothes and went into the laundry room to get the clothes out of the washing machine and now the drying machine which began to dry itself.

He checked the time to notice it was 12:07am, his murder took that long? Well at least he knew he spent good time on it, he brushed his wet hair then once he finished he went near the bed and slept beside you.

In the Morning

You yawned as you began to rub your eyes to get rid of the blurry vision, you looked up to notice Childe's tired looking eyes staring down at you which you kissed his nose and got him blushing intensely.

"Morning!" you said happily as you giggled, Childe laughed back since that kiss caught him off guard "How about a kiss on the lips?~" Childe smirked as he waited for that kiss except you just blushed intensely then hit him with your near by pillow.

"Nah ah!" you shouted happily as you ran into your closet to change for School while Childe was somehow already ready for School, you changed into your clothes as you both headed downstairs to go eat breakfast.

Childe was cooking breakfast for you like he usually does "No chips!" Childe shouted as he raised the chips in the air to avoid you getting it, you were trying to get it except Childe wouldn't let you.

"CHILDE!!" you shouted angrily as you tried to reach for the chips, Childe grabbed your arm then pulled you closer "Only if I get that kiss from you girly~" he smirked which you slapped him across the face, but not enough to hurt him.

You grabbed your chips from his hand and began to walk back to the living room, Childe rubbed the spot you slapped him at "GIRLY!!" Childe whined like an actual child as he continued to cook breakfast.

I should have never wished for you... | Yandere Childe x Reader | Self-Aware |Where stories live. Discover now