Chapter 18

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Key Words -

r/g/n- random girl name

Warning Contains...

-Mentions of Blood
-Mentions of Needles
-Mentions of Murder / Death


The ambulance rushed through the doors as you panicked since you forget for a whole second about what happened.

"LET ME GO! LET ME GO!" you shouted as they were also panicking and wondering what happened to you, why did they already find you covered in so much blood? They knew it wasn't from the car.

"LET ME GO! LET ME GO! I SAID LET ME GO!" you screamed as they brought you into the emergency room, the nurse got a needle and cleans your arm quickly.

The rest of the nurses were holding you down as you were shouting because you remembered what you were witnessed, and you were going crazy now.

You felt the needle inside of your arm as you slowly fell asleep and barely heard anything too "We need to find out what happened..." "Why were they already covered in so much blood?" the nurses questioned as you fell asleep.

"AAAAA!" you screamed in fear as you woke up in a completely different area, you noticed it was raining and the ground was completely full of water. You screamed in fear as you were confused on why you were standing on water.

You noticed a girl standing in the rain as you got up from the ground, but somewhere you weren't wet at all...

You ran towards the girl and placed your right hand on her left shoulder, only to notice... "Wait... aren't you that girl who died by...?-" before you could finish, she finished it.

"Who died by Childe? Indeed I am..." she mumbled but you could hear her so well "What's your name?" you asked her.

"My name is r/g/n... I have to admit this but I actually had a crush on you and Childe found out and he killed me..." she spoke as your eyes widened.

"What..." you mumbled as she stared at you sadly "Wait am I dead!?" you shouted as you got scared, she placed her hands on your shoulders.

"Nope! Thankfully you aren't actually dead, the nurses simply put you to sleep" she spoke as you sighed in relief.

"Question... this may sound very off topic right now but... do you still have a crush on me?" you asked her "Uhm... after that incident with Childe, I don't think so anymore..." she mumbled, but she lied about that, but she didn't wanna admit it.

"Okay... are you the only one here or is there more people walking around here?" you asked "Nope! I'm the only one here and you aren't the only one who knows I'm here" she spoke as you stared at her in confusion.

"What do you mean...?" you asked her "Childe could also see me but don't worry, he won't know you're here ner can he hear you" she answered.

"Wouldn't he hear you talking to somebody though?" you asked her again "Nope! Once he comes in here, he could hear and see me a lot better" she spoke as you sighed.

"Okay! When do I get out of here though?!" you asked her "Once you're awake!" she answered, you couldn't process anything well due to the fact you believe it is still a dream.

"Okay okay!! How long was I asleep for so far??" you asked her again "You were asleep for around... hm... around 5-10 minutes if I remember" she answered.

"HUH?! I was asleep for that long so far??" you questioned yourself as you pinched the top of your nose "Mhm!" she replied simply.

"Okay! Now explain to me this place this instead!" you shouted as it caused an echo "I'll explain on the way, feel free to ask any questions and I'll gladly answer them" she spoke as she began to walk while you followed her.

"Question? How come there is rain pouring everywhere and why is it so cold?!" you shouted as it caused another echo "Well it's because I'm dead, you're alive! And Childe is a Fatui Harbinger who came from...?" she spoke as she tried to remember.

"Snezhnaya...?" you questioned her as she snapped her fingers and pointed towards you as you flinched from the loud noise "There you go! There's your answer!" she spoke as she continued to walk and you followed.

"Now please explain..." you asked her as she sighed, but she walked a bit faster and you quickly catch up to her.

"We are inside of Childe's mind, well... farther down, way darker..." she spoke as she chose to continue "I may not play Genshin but I know most of it, but did you know that Childe fell into the Abyss when he was younger...?" she asked as she blankly stared at you.

"We are in that mind of his...?" you mumbled as she nodded "Indeed we are, this set of his mind is where we currently are at and there is no other mindset who could go to unfortunately" she spoke as you now began to breathe in and out rapidly.

'Has Childe always been obsessed with me...? Why did I wake up in his mind...?' you thought in your head as the girl stared at you blankly "Are you alright?" she asked.

"NO! I'M IN CHILDE'S MIND, AM I SUPPOSED TO BE OKAY?!" you shouted as her as she sighed, suddenly the boy and girl who bumped into you while you and Childe were leaving, suddenly appeared behind her.

"Hey Y/n..." the boy mumbled as the girl stared at you "We apologize for what we have done..." the boy's sister mumbled "It's alright! Please tell me why did I wake up here?!" you asked them.

"We didn't bring you, Childe did... he brought you into his mind so he could try to find you more quickly but I managed to avoid him from getting to you" the girl who had a crush on you spoke.

Suddenly blood from where they got heavily injured appeared on their bodies as you covered your mouth in disgust, what did they do...? Why did Childe murder them so brutally...?

"WHAT DID CHILDE DO TO ALL OF YOU-?!" before you could finish what you were going to say, you suddenly felt something grab your right ankle, you looked down to see some arm then you pulled underneath the water.

"NO!" the girl shouted as she grabbed you by both of the wrists and tried to lift you back up, suddenly even more arms grab your ankle and manage to drag you under.

"Y/N!!" the girl shouted as she tried to go underwater but the other two held onto her as they all watched you being dragged underwater as they couldn't help but stand because if they went underwater... they would be fully dead instantly...

You were choking on the water as your hair was moving around slowly but when you moved your head quickly, it followed along. You watched as even more hands grabbed you and you continued to drag you down.

You closed your eyes as you accepted your fate when suddenly you heard noises everywhere around you...

"Y/N!! WAKE UP!"

You suddenly opened your eyes to notice that you were on a hospital blood and in the room with the doctor and nurse, looking at you worriedly with masks on their faces.



Due to the fact that my Childe Fanfic is coming to an end, I was more focused on my Archon Fanfic since it is gonna last wayyyy longer 😭

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please do stay strong and stay tuned for the next Chapter which is sorta gonna be... you know... that's a mystery for now...! 😈

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned, bye bye for now!! <33

Word Count - 1327

I should have never wished for you... | Yandere Childe x Reader | Self-Aware |Where stories live. Discover now