Chapter 14

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You were so lost in thought that you didn't hear Childe coming down the stairs, he entered the room to notice you standing in front of the couch as he also noticed you were stuck in thought.

Childe was too tired but he wanted you to be back in the room so he walked over to you, his head felt sore as he finally reached you "G-girly? W-why are you out of bed?" he asked as he continued to stutter, then he coughed as he covered his mouth to avoid it getting to you.

"I'm sorry Childe, I'm not very tired at the moment and I would like some alone time... please...?" you asked which he simply nodded 'yes' to as he went back upstairs slowly, you sighed as you sat down on the couch and covered your face.

"I guess this is a lot to take in..." you muttered to yourself, this is not good plus the murderer is still around which is the person who has an obsessive crush on you.

You then heard somebody fall down the stairs which you immediately knew who as you quickly got up from your seat and rushed over to the area where the stairs were, to find Childe at the bottom, holding his head in pain.

"CHILDE! ARE YOU OKAY!?" you shouted worriedly as you quickly rushed over to his side and hugged his head, Childe opened his eyes as he struggled to look around due to him being sick and just falling down the stairs.

"I-I'm sorry girly, I accidentally fell down the stairs..." he said quietly as he began to cough again which he covered his mouth with his elbow, you helped him sit up as you patted his back "Does your head hurt? Does anywhere else hurt?" you asked worriedly.

Childe then groaned "N-no no! Nowhere else hurts, only my head since I hit the ground" he then sighed as he leaned against you, he was too tired to go back upstairs now.

"Come on Childe! Please get up!" you panicked as you shaked Childe awake again, is Childe being sick really this hard? "I-I'm too tired" he stuttered as he then coughed but obviously blocked it with his elbow.

"Follow me into the living room, I think the couch really is a better opinion for you..." you mumbled as you both stood up, you held Childe's hand as you led him into the living room.

Childe layed down on the couch where you led him to, you tried to leave but Childe's grip stayed on your wrist "S-stay with me" he stuttered as he coughed again but made sure he coughed on his elbow.

"Fine then, you're lucky only because you are sick" you muttered as you layed down on top of Childe and got comfortable, relaxing your head on his chest and your hands on his shoulders.

"Go to sleep now Childe, I know you are still awake" you spoke angrily as Childe now closed his eyes, his eyes slightly burned but he was only doing it for you.

1 hour later

You were soundly asleep on top of Childe's chest as he opened his eyes now, he yawned slightly as he looked down to see you peacefully sleeping, Childe felt his lovesick-self kick in which made his eye start twitching.

His pupils were formed into hearts again as his smile became crooked, he was a blushing mess but not from being sick but being obsessed with you.

His hand started to shake as his hand made it's way to your head, he began to play with your hair peacefully although his face shared a whole different answer.

He heard you groan as he started playing with your hair and his face returned to normal, you rotated your head to face Childe as Childe looked at you normally now but his face before...

"You already woke up? Were you always awake?" you asked angrily as you glared at him "N-No no girly! I just woke up like you did" Childe spoke honestly as he coughed after but blocked it with his elbow, he completely forget he was still sick "Fine then" you responded as you tried to get up but Childe made you stay still.

I should have never wished for you... | Yandere Childe x Reader | Self-Aware |Where stories live. Discover now