Chapter 7

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Key Words -

F/f - Favourite Food


You groaned as you used your free hand to rub the blurry vision away, you looked up notice Childe sleeping happily with his fluffy ginger hair. You remembered what happened the other day and began to blush as you kissed Childe on the nose.

Childe felt ticklish on his nose, opened one of his eyes to notice you staring at him happily "Morning girly, did you sleep well?" Childe asked as he kissed you on your forehead which you blushed back.

"Yep, I did" you giggled as Childe raised your chin up to make you look at him and he tried to kiss you again, you covered his mouth with your free hand and laughed.

"You already did that once, I think that is enough for now" you laughed as Childe gave you a puppy face which didn't convince you enough "I'm gonna head off to School, see ya later" you said as you started to get ready.

Childe felt upset that you left so he cuddled the blankets on him and fell asleep to try to make it better, you began to head off to School, you were prepared this time which was very unusual.

At your School

You entered your School, heading to the library right away to go talk with the librarian. You got into the library to notice your librarian reading a book peacefully but she heard you come in.

"Hey Sweetie, need something?" she asked, she always reminded you of Lisa in a way "Yes I have a question actually" you asked as you approached the lady, she shut her book as she placed it on the nearby counter.

"Yes Sweetie? What's wrong?" she asked as she stood in front of you, she looked like she was as tall as Lisa "Is it possible for my friend to join this college late? He is interested in joining so is it possible?" you asked as your librarian thought for a second.

"Yes he can still join except we need to see him first and interview him" your librarian said as you looked at her nervously "Okay, thank you for letting me know" you chuckled as you left the library.

Your librarian coughed after you left "Hmm, I wonder what's going on today with my coughing" your librarian mumbled as she went to read her book again.

Back at your House

"Childe! Guess what!" you shouted happily, now you finished School, Childe ran down the stairs and tackled you into a hug "What is it?" Childe's voice muffled as he placed his face on your shoulder, you chuckled as you patted his back.

"You could come to my college except they have to see you and interview you before letting you in" you smiled at Childe as he let go of you and put his hands underneath your armpits as he lifted you up as he hugged you tightly.

"Childe- YOU ARE KILLING ME" you struggled to say as Childe giggled happily that he could possibly go with you to College.

"CHILDE!" you shouted as he finally released you from that horrible suffocating hug "You better get ready early in the morning, please do not make anything too obvious" you asked as Childe nodded happily then kissed your nose which you blushed to.

"Okay okay, put me down!" you shouted while you were flustered, Childe placed you down and took you to the kitchen for you both to eat Lunch.

The Next Day

"Childe, hurry up!" you whined, Childe was rushing to put on his shoes, you seemed to have waken up in a bad mood and Childe basically obeyed every demand you did since you were pissed.

"Let's go!" you rushed out of the house, Childe following behind as you locked the door and rushed to the Bus Area in anger, Childe was very nervous due to you waking up pissed.

I should have never wished for you... | Yandere Childe x Reader | Self-Aware |Where stories live. Discover now