Babysitting Teucer ( Part 2 )

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You hugged Teucer as he cried on you shoulder, you couldn't help but feel bad...

"Big Brother didn't even get to spend good time with me... I wish he didn't work so much..." Teucer sniffed as he cried on your coat, you didn't care as you hugged Teucer tightly.

Due to the fact that Childe was part of the Fatui, Fatui Harbingers to be precise, so he unfortunately lied to Teucer about working as a Toy Worker and Teucer somewhat believed his Brother.

"Teucer... my dear... being older and having a job is super hard, I may not exactly have one but I can easily see how hard it is..." you explained to him as he continued to hug you.

"Excuse me everyone! We have arrived at Liyue, please take your personal belongings and get off" the rude man spoke as everybody sighed or groaned, they got up and grabbed their stuff as they left one-by-one.

You held Teucer's right hand with your left hand as you began to walk down the metal plank that led down to Liyue Harbor, Teucer cling onto your hand in fear as the Liyue people stared at all of the people who got off.

You managed to get to a hotel with Teucer as you payed the correct amount of Mora, you then got into your room with Teucer as Teucer jumped on top of his bed as you chuckled and went onto yours.

"How about you take a nap Teucer? You must be tired after all, we have been on the ship for nearly 3 hours" you asked him as he pouted "NOOO!" he shouted as he whined on his bed, you simply sweat dropped as you stared.

"Okay then... how about a walk around Liyue Harbor" you asked him as he gasped happily "YEAH!" he shouted as you chuckled "Alright then, let's change into something else because it's hot over here" you spoke as Teucer grabbed his clothes and rushed into the bathroom.

After Teucer was done, you headed into the bathroom as you changed into proper clothing and quickly fixed yourself as you adored how you looked on the mirror.

"Y/n!!" Teucer shouted as he pulled the last letter in your name, you completely forget what you were doing as you laughed then opened the door to see Teucer frowning in front of you.

"What took you so long!" he shouted angrily as you patted his head which calmed him down "I'm sorry Teucer, how about we head out now!" you spoke as Teucer's eyes sprinkled in joy.

You and Teucer had the most of fun, you both ate food together, walked around, allowed Teucer to buy anything he wanted, you both even played Hide and Seek with the other Children!

At Midnight

You were carrying Teucer as his cheek rested on your shoulder while you chuckled as your eyes widened to notice Childe standing in front of you happily with his arms out as you quietly ran towards him and hugged him with your free arm.

"You said you would be gone for a week or two? Did you get a change of plans?" you asked him as he chuckled quietly.

"Oh no girly! What if I told you that I rushed through my whole mission just to be with you and Teucer!" he smirked as you giggled, you kissed his cheek as he smiled.

He was happy to be with you, he was happy to be with Teucer, he was always happy when it came to you both...


A/N - If you are willing to request anything, head on over to the "Bonus Chapters" and request on what you would like to have next!

The Requests are going to be open as long as the book is so be quick! As fast as possible before time is out!

I hope you enjoyed this Bonus Chapter!! <3

I should have never wished for you... | Yandere Childe x Reader | Self-Aware |Where stories live. Discover now