Babysitting Teucer ( Part 1 )

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In-Game AU

Childe and you were both in Snezhnaya at the moment due to Childe and his Fatui business, you weren't exactly part of the Fatui but you helped Childe anyways.

"A...Ajax! It's freezing" you stuttered due to the cold getting to you, you ran over to Childe and hid in the front of his big jacket, he then began to chuckle "AHAHAHA! Girly~ is it that cold for you?" Childe asked as you both continued to walk like Penguins.

"How much longer till we get there?" you asked "We are almost there, hold on a bit longer, alright?" he asked as you nodded quickly in reply, you both saw the ships in the distance.

"BIG BROTHER!!" you heard that familiar voice, you got out of Childe's big coat as you ran towards the ginger-haired child "HEY TEUCER!" you shouted as Teucer saw you and gasped happily.

"Y/N!!" he shouted happily as you both tackled each other with hugs "I'm so happy to see you again! How have you been? How is the rest of your siblings?" you asked multiple questions as you cupped his cheeks.

"I'm doing good and so is the others!" he spoke happily as you continued to cup his cheeks, Childe who was hovering over the both of you felt slightly jealous and sometimes wished he was Teucer so he could get that much attention from you.

"Hey Ajax! Shouldn't we get going now?" you asked him as he quickly got over it, he chuckled as he nodded, due to the fact that Teucer was light and young. You went in front of him as you bent down, he smiled as he got on your back. Placing his legs on your waist, and his arms around your neck as you chuckled.

You, Teucer and Childe made your way over to the ship as Childe thought about when he'll see the both of you again, you made it as Teucer got off of your back and headed on the ship. Waiting for you patiently and you turned back towards Childe.

"Ajax...?" you mumbled as you asked him, you approached him as you placed your hands on his chest, he blushed slightly as he felt so warm, not even Snezhnaya could make him colder when he is with you.

"Yes girly?" he asked as he held onto your waist "How long is this going to take...?" you mumbled and made sure that Teucer wasn't hearing the conversation since he doesn't know that Childe is part of the Fatui.

"Probably a week or two, I know, I know... that's a while" he spoke as you nodded, Teucer noticed the scene more than the actual conversation as he already knew what was gonna happen and he closed his eyes.

You and Childe looked back to see Teucer with his eyes closed as Childe smirked and licked his lips, he cupped your cheeks as he made you look directly at him with your mouth slightly open.

"He already knew the signal~ it's a good thing that he already knew, eh darling~?" he mumbled as he slid his tongue inside of your mouth and began to French kiss you.

You blushed as your cheeks fully redden, you began to do the same as you placed your arms around Childe's neck and he leaned forward a bit as he slid his tongue farther.

You both let go after a bit as there was a string of saliva, you blushed intensely as Childe smiled and licked his lips. He tried to go in for another kiss but you blocked his incoming kiss with your hand.

"We should be saving our kissing session for another time" you spoke as Childe whined, he then kissed the palm of your hand as he moved away and smirked.

"Well I should be going now, see you soon Ajax" you spoke as you hugged him tightly before letting go, the rest of the people and Fatui on the ship.

Teucer hugged you as he was hugging your waist, you both waved to Childe as the ship then began to head towards Liyue, Childe waved back as he sighed. Knowing too well that he wasn't going to be seeing you for a while...


A/N - If you are willing to request anything, head on over to the "Bonus Chapters" and request on what you would like to have next!

The Requests are going to be open as long as the book is so be quick! As fast as possible before time is out!

I hope you enjoyed this Bonus Chapter!! <3

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