Chapter 10

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The both of you have returned home, you still felt sad while Childe couldn't help but feel bad for you, he was grateful that girl was dead except you being sad in the end made him feel bad now.

You both placed your shoes at the front as you made your way to your living room, before you were about to head to the kitchen to get some snacks. Childe grabbed your wrist and pulled you closer to him.

"Where do you think you are going girly?~" Childe cooed as your cheeks redden a bit "To get myself some snacks, do you want anything?" you asked, Childe thought for a second until he had an idea.

"Nope! But you do know what I want?" Childe asked as he smirked at you "What do you want?" you groaned as Childe came closer to your face "YOU!" he shouted happily as he started to attack your necks with soft kisses which made you laugh and it felt ticklish.

"AHAHAHA! CHILDE STOP!" you tried to stop Childe from kissing your neck except he continued to kiss it which got you laughing more, he started kissing your neck which you were relieved about as you both looked at each other.

Childe tried to lean in for a kiss on the lips except you stopped him by covering his mouth with your right hand "Not on my watch, silly boy" you said as you booped his nose before heading off to the kitchen, Childe then began to blush intensely from that sudden action you did.

Childe began to sat down on couch as he waited for you arrival, he noticed you holding a bowl of chips with your favourite juice / soda in your other hands.

You sat down on the couch beside Childe, placing your snacks on the near by table only for Childe to wrap his arm around your shoulders and pull you closer to him "Childe?" you groaned as Childe softly smiled at you, you grabbed the TV remote that was on the table and turned on the TV.

"Childe do you want to pick something to watch?" you asked as you handed Childe the remote, Childe looked at the remote in confusion. It reminded him of Zhongli giving him chopsticks to eat except he didn't know how to use them.

He used the wrong side of the remote as he went into random directions, you stared at Childe in confusion as you sweat dropped, you assumed he knew how to control the remote until you remembered they didn't really have TV's or Remotes in Teyvat.

"Oh nevermind!" you shouted as you took the remote out of Childe's hands, Childe looked at you then began to whine like an actual child again "I was starting to the hang of it!" Childe whined as he looked at you with a frown.

You simply shoved him away as you turned on your favourite movie and you both began to watch it which made you feel a lot better. Little did you know that Childe had something else going on in his mind.

In Childe's Mind...

"YOU MURDERED US!" that girl who had a crush on you shouted as she went up to Childe and tried to attack him, only to be choked by him.

"You think you could murder me...?" Childe mumbled as his dull light blue eyes glared into the dead girl's soul which made her gasp in fear.

"It's not my fault that you on a crush on... MY Y/N!!" he shouted as he held the grip around her neck tighter "What's the point.. you are already dead anyways" Childe muttered as his grin grew wider and his eyes widened.

The girl disappeared which made Childe chuckle then laugh like a psychopath, he then realized there was 2 people earlier before you both left that noticed you and Childe together.

Quick Flashback

You both were walking back to the Bus when suddenly a tall boy bumped into you with a girl that beside him "Watch it!" he yelled as they both were about to leave.

Childe helped you up only for the 2 people to notice Childe, they began to blush crazy then left quickly before he noticed but he already did...

He couldn't help but glare at the two but immediately comforted you again due to them bumping into you on the way out.

End of Flashback

Childe was so pissed right now that he didn't even hear you calling out to him.

"CHILDE!" you shouted as you slapped him across the face which got him to stop zoning out "OUCH! GIRLY WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" he shouted as he began to whine like an actual child again.

"YOU WEREN'T RESPONDING BACK!" you shouted as you paused the movie, Childe then couldn't help but stare into your eyes in worry.

"Don't worry girly... I am fine now" Childe mumbled as he sat beside you again, he then hugged you tightly to be sure that he is doing fine "Ugh.. you need to stop doing that, I'm gonna go to the kitchen to grab myself another drink. Do you want anything?" you asked except Childe nodded 'no' you then went off into the kitchen.

"Forgive me for this girly..." Childe mumbled as he grabbed a small bottle from his pocket then dumped some into your bowl of chips which somehow managed to blend in with the rest.

"I am back!" you shouted happily, Childe managed to put the bottle away in time before you could notice "Heh, let's continue to watch the movie girly" Childe said happily as you sat down beside him and began to eat your food, you suddenly felt sleepy.

"Childe.. I'm tired, I'll go take a nap" you mumbled as Childe hummed in reply then turned off the TV, he guided you upstairs to your bedroom in case if you accidentally fall down. He then put you into your bed as he pulled the sheets up.

He then went into the kitchen to grab the keys, he left the house through the front door and made sure he locked it as he then became to walk over to those people's houses to murder them.

Later on at Night

"NO NO! I'M SORRY!" the girl shouted as her back was facing the wall, her brother was laying on the ground dead.. while a certain ginger haired man stood in front of her with both of his water blades sticking out.

"If you were really sorry.. then you wouldn't have done that!" Childe shouted angrily as he finished her off by stabbing his blades into her stomach, she took one final look at Childe before she was finally dead.

Childe then began to laugh evilly as he stared at both of the dead bodies, he had blood all over his clothes and blades except his mind was still led back to you, he then left the household through the back door and he was relieved it was nighttime so nobody could see him.

He successfully made it back home to still notice all the lights off which meant you were still sleeping, he came into your room to notice you happily sleeping away which he was happy about except it was happening again.. like that time you finally got him...

His pupils in his eyes formed into small hearts as they began to beat like an actual heartbeat, his blush began to intense as his smile began crooked from the sight of you sleeping happily.

He didn't care if the sheets become bloody at this point, he climbed on and he had either one of his hands on the sides of your head as he fixed your position to make it look like you are facing him.

The sheets on your bed became bloody due to Childe's bloody clothes, he then gasped happily as he stared at your sleeping face "My oh my, look at how cute you are girly" Childe mumbled as he cupped your face with both of his hands, your cheeks now becoming slightly bloody.

Childe leaned in closer to your face, your noses now touching each other "It's a good thing that you won't be waking up for a little while.." Childe mumbled as he then began to kiss you on the lips...


A/N - I AM SO SORRY FOR UPLOADING SO LATE FOR CHAPTER 10!! I was writing for my other book so sometimes if I upload late on here, you could check out my other book 😍

The name of the book is "The Archon of the Moon..." and it is obviously another Yandere Book and an Archon Reader so please do check it out!!

I hope you enjoyed Chapter 10!! And do not worry, I may upload Chapter 11 or possibly even 12 in a few minutes sooo-

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter! Bye bye!! <33

Word Count - 1485

I should have never wished for you... | Yandere Childe x Reader | Self-Aware |Where stories live. Discover now