Chapter 2

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Your alarm woke you up from your amazing dream to tell you it was finally morning, you yawned as you started to rub your eyes.

You finished rubbing your eyes, your vision slowly coming back but once you look up. You notice some type of shadow hovering over you and looking at you.

Your vision finally comes together to notice... "AAAAA!" You screamed in fear as you tried to back away but the person managed to hold you in your place and cover your mouth with their right hand.

"Sheesh, you don't wanna wake up the neighbours now? Do you?!" That man who was trying to make you shut up but no other man than Childe himself.

Childe removes his hand from your mouth, Childe waits for your answer patiently but you started screaming again because you were panicking like nuts "AAAAAAAA!" You kicked Childe in the stomach as you backed away as far as you could while Childe was holding his stomach and was groaning from the sudden pain.

"Jeez girly, what was that for?" Childe struggles to say since he had horrible pain in his stomach due to you kicking it! "You... YOU SCARED ME!" You shouted angrily at Childe, grabbing a pillow near you in case he tried to come near you.

Childe kept groaning as he held his stomach with both of his hands now, he used his head to keep himself lifted up. Did you kick him in the stomach that hard? "Uhm.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to kick you that hard" you placed the pillow back down as you approached Childe and rotated him around.

His head now lying down on your legs and you were holding him around his neck as you snuggled into his fluffy ginger hair. Childe's horrible stomach pain went away and he opened his eyes and looked up to notice you snuggling into his ginger hair.

Childe notices that and starts to blush intensely from the sudden impact, he faints from what you did since he found it so cute that you were snuggling into his hair.

You seemed to notice since you could have swore you felt even more weight on you "Hm? Childe, you alright?" you asked the man who has now fainted.

You shaked him slightly which he hasn't reacted to and you sighed as you tried your best to put Childe on your bed, probably after 16 failed attempts you finally manage to fully get him on your bed.

You pulled the blanket up and left to grab some new fresh clothes to wear for School, you changed out of your pyjamas and you got ready quickly.

You got out of your bathroom to only notice Childe frowning with his arms crossed "Childe, what is wrong?" You asked him as you approached him but he grabbed on to you and tried to drag you onto the bed again.

"I wake up to only notice you gone, come back to bed!" He says as he holds on your sleeves but you managed to hold back from his strong grip somehow "CHILDE! I HAVE SCHOOL TO ATTEND TOO" You shouted in anger, you finally managed to get out of Childe's strong grip.

"What is so important about this School thing anyways" Childe glares at you, stilling frowning with his arms crossed "Oh my goodness gracious.. Childe, I attend this School thing called 'College' it's important for older kids to attend so they can find good jobs when they are older" you say with your hands on your hips.

"Fine, when will you come back from this so-called 'College' thing?" Childe continues to glare at you "Since I have around 2 hours to get there, College takes about 6-7 hours depending on what you are doing" you say which Childe gasped in shock, he had to live 6-7 hours without you.

"Could you stay home?? Just for today girly???" Childe begging you, now gripping onto the front of your shirt "I don't think so, it is extremely important so I believe I cannot" you smile nervously with Childe glaring at you with his dull eyes.

I should have never wished for you... | Yandere Childe x Reader | Self-Aware |Where stories live. Discover now