Chapter 12

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You wake up on top of Childe, you forget that the both of you were watching movies and that you both fell asleep afterwards. You were sleeping on top of Childe, you noticed how Childe seemed to be shivering.

"Childe are you awake?" you asked as you poked Childe's cheek which made him groan in reply "G-girly...?" Childe stuttered as he opened his eyes and looked at you, was he... sick?

"Are you sick?" you asked as you raised a brow at him, Childe's eyes then widened as he tried to avoid your gaze "You are sick, aren't you?" you groaned as Childe began to cough which you then backed away which made Childe whine.

"G-girly! C-come back here!" Childe stuttered as he tried to get closer to you except he was too weak to move his body "Nope! You are sick, goodbye!" you teased him as you got up except Childe's grip managed to stop you but it wasn't as strong as it was before.

"P-please stay with me g-girly" Childe stuttered as he then coughed "It's your fault for giving me your hood, you should kept it to yourself! What happened to the 'I doubt I would get sick' thingy you mentioned yesterday!" you shouted angrily at Childe as he simply stared at you.

"Alright that's it! You are sleeping here, I am not risking myself to become sick if you sleep in my bed-" before you could finish what you said, Childe sat up and covered your mouth with his right hand.

"Shhhhh!" Childe sheshed you as best as he could then he pulled you closer which surprised you a bit, he removed his hand from your mouth as he tried to lean in for another kiss although that didn't work well as you backed away.

"NOPE! I AM NOT GETTING SICK!" you shouted as Childe then began to whine as he stuffed his head in a near by pillow, you then felt slightly guilty about how rude that came out "I'm sorry Childe, I just hate being sick" you mumbled as Childe looked at and Childe smiled softly at you.

"How about you relax your head on the pillows while I go grab some blankets for you, alright?" you spoke as you pointed behind you which Childe nodded, you went upstairs and inside your closet as you looked for the extra blankets you had.

You grabbed a blanket that was at least big enough for Childe as you headed back downstairs into the living room to notice Childe was shivering, you felt really bad as you fixed your blanket and placed it gently on Childe's lower body.

He stopped shivering a bit as he opened his eyes then stared at you softly, he seemed to be really tired. Maybe when he is sick, he tends to stutter a lot and look tired?

"C-could you stay with me?" Childe asked as he continued to stutter, you sighed as you nodded 'no' "I have to go get some medicine for you so then you could feel better" you groaned as you were about to leave but Childe quickly got up and tried to run to get you only for him to trip and fall down.

"This is what happens what happens when you become sick yourself, Childe" you mumbled as you crossed your arms "D-don't leave me!" Childe whined as he started to have a weird tantrum on the ground "Nah uh! Gotta go, let me help you up first though" you spoke as you grabbed Childe from his collar then brought him back to the sofa.

"Geez- d-didn't know that you were this strong g-girly" Childe stuttered again as he coughed, you placed him back on his seat as you layed him down and pulled the blanket up.

"I'm going to buy Medicine now, don't try to follow me Childe" you spoke as you ran over to the front and rushed your shoes on, you headed over to the kitchen to grab your purse / bag and made sure your belongings were in there as you rushed to the front door and left.

You made sure the front door was locked as you headed over to your car, you entered your car as you then began to drive to the store to buy medicine for Childe.

I should have never wished for you... | Yandere Childe x Reader | Self-Aware |Where stories live. Discover now