Yanderes Hunger...

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In Game AU

You and your most dearest friend, Ajax, is currently walking out of Liyue Harbor as you both were chatting about having a spar at the Golden House.

But you always noticed something very strange... your stuff would go missing most of the times and you always found stalked but you shouldn't be bringing that up.

You both were halfway there as you noticed your crush, Aether, he was so elegant and perfect that you have completely fallen in love with him and you did talk about him to Ajax once that Ajax would always make you watch him fight except Aether would always end up winning.

"Hey Ajax! Could you please wait for me right here?" you asked him as he nodded while smiling, you rushed over to Aether as you tapped on his shoulder as he looked at you and rotated to look at you better.

"Hello Y/n, how are you?" he asked "I have been doing good recently! How have you been Aether, is your Travels going well, did you have luck looking for your twin?" you asked him as he sighed and nodded 'no'.

Your brows narrowed down sadly as you placed your hands on Aether's waist and hugged him, he slightly blushed as he slowly expected the hug back.

Childe watched in anger as he felt his blood boil, his fists started to shake slightly.

Aether then let go as he smiled, now happy that you gave him a hug and comforted him as you both waved goodbye as soon as you rushed back towards Ajax, Aether's smile dropped as his eyes began dull again while Childe began to smile widely.

Childe grabbed your hand tightly as he dragged you quickly towards the Golden House while you were screeching, Childe rotated his head as he stuck his tongue out while Aether gritted his teeth in anger.

At Night...

Childe had his water blades out as he was looking around for Aether, choosing to murder Aether and not caring that he is Teyvat's hero and it even might get his Fatui Ranking higher.

He was walking around Liyue Harbor, thankfully that everybody was gone and sleeping at the moment as he heard noises beside the perfume shop and approached the Alleyway quickly, only to see...

Aether stabbing the lady who sells perfume or in other words, Ying'er...

"Aether..." Childe muttered as Aether stopped stabbing Ying'er and rotated his head to face Childe, Childe gritted his teeth as his eyes widened.

Aether's eyes were dull as he wasn't smiling as he usually and the blood on his cheeks proved something else...

"Childe..." he muttered angrily as he stopped stabbing Ying'er's dead body "What are you doing here?!" he muttered angrily as he gritted his teeth.

"That's none of your business, why are you harming innocent people?" he asked as Aether stared blankly "It's not my fault that Ying'er has flirted with Y/n too much..." he muttered as Childe's eyebrows narrowed up.

"Don't tell me that-" before Childe could finish, Aether interrupted "Yes Childe... we are the same person..." he spoke as he got up, leaving Ying'er's rotten body as he went up in front of Childe.

"How about a deal? We could either share or... you could just pass them towards me..." he mumbled as he stuck his hand out, Childe thought for a second.

"Deal?" Aether spoke as Childe slapped Aether's hand away "I'm wanting them to myself, besides I known them since we were kids!" he shouted as Aether glared at him.

"Fine then... we will have neither but we shall have a competition.... which one of us will win their heart...?"

In the Morning...

You yawned at your rubbed your eyes to get rid of the blurry vision, you sat up as you chose if you wanted to go out or to stay inside.

I mean you did promise Ajax that you would go exploring with him today so you have to go outside as you sighed.

You got up as you went towards your closet and grabbed into your casual clothes, your vision clinging onto your clothes on the left side of your hip.

You heard knocking on your door as you rushed towards the door, you opened it as you noticed it was Aether instead of Ajax.

"Hey Y/n! I was wondering if you were... willing to hangout with me today" Aether spoke as he blushed halfway through his sentence while scratching his cheek.

You blinked a few times to process what Aether just said then your eyes widened, your own crush wanted to hangout with you?! Is this a dream come true?! Wait... what about Ajax...?

"Uhm... I would love to but I promised... Childe that I wait hangout with him..." you spoke, almost calling him 'Ajax' in front of Aether.

"Well I actually stumbled by Childe this morning and he got caught up by some Fatui so he is currently busy but we could hangout if you'd like?" he spoke as his grin widened slightly, his cheeks becoming slightly red.

"Uh... okay fine then..." you spoke as you quickly placed your shoes on and left your house, being sure to lock the door and double check if you did it correctly.

You then followed Aether into Liyue Harbor as you both held hands which Aether was blushing at slightly while you were screaming in the inside.

In the Evening...

You both had the funnest time as it was now evening and you both headed towards the Golden House, assuming that Childe wasn't going to be there.

"GIRLY?! YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD COME, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL DONE?!" Childe shouted from the centre of the Golden House as your eyes widened and Aether's eyes went dull.

"But... Aether told me that you were busy doing your Fatui Work!" you shouted as he growled and turned towards Aether, running towards you both at full speed as Aether got his sword out and prepared.

You screamed as you felt Childe grab you by the waist and drag you but Aether was fast enough to leave a bloody marking on Childe's right arm as he gritted his teeth in pain.

Childe placed you on the ground and you crawled backwards quickly in fear as you were breathing heavily and Aether began to try to attack Childe... Childe not allowing himself to get killed as he tried to kill Aether...

You understood what was going on now... they were both obsessed with you and now... who is going to get you...? Who is going to die...?


A/N - If you are willing to request anything, head on over to the "Bonus Chapters" and request on what you would like to have next!

The Requests are going to be open as long as the book is so be quick! As fast as possible before time is out!

I hope you enjoyed this Bonus Chapter!! <3

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