Y/N as a Baby ( Headcanons + Oneshot )

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( Before the Kidnapping )

• Surprisely these Headcanons are actually for obviously for Childe...

• Childe is going to be 'Obsessive' , 'Protective' and 'Jealousy' obviously.

• For 'Obsessive' Childe is going to be holding you the whole... entire... TIME! He is never going to let you not unless you have to use a washroom, or having to stretch your little chubby legs but other than that, nope! You aren't leaving anytime soon.

• For 'Protective' he is going to protect you from any person who tries to take you, some weird shady person you don't know tries to talk with you? Childe is going to speak for you. Some nice person trying to give you candy/chocolate? Childe is going to deny that and buy you way more than that. Having somebody bully you? Childe is going to either talk with the person or their parent.

• For 'Jealousy' Childe is going to get jealous when you are actually talking with somebody else other than him, you actually did talk to an older person who was babying you around and obviously you were speaking baby with him and giggling so much that Childe got jealous so he grabbed you, told the person he was your 'parent' and left just like that.

( Before the Kidnapping )

"Come on! Say it, I'm waiting for you to say Baby!" Childe cooed, he was currently trying to convince you to say his name 'Ajax' instead of 'Childe'.

"A-A-A!" you giggled while playing around with your toys on the fluffy white carpet, Childe groaned and whined like an actual baby while you stared at him in confusion.

"Come on, repeat after me Baby!" he spoke, you stared at him as you giggled "A..." "A..." "ja..." "ja..." "x... "x..." "Ajax!" "A-A-A!"

"NOOOO!" Childe groaned loudly, falling backwards as you watched Childe fall down and cover his face, you began to giggle as you slowly clapped your hands, you crawled towards him and got onto his chest and lied down.

Childe removed his hands on his face as he peeked at you to notice you looking, he removed his hands fully from his face as he sighed.

"Come on... it's been 3 months yet you cannot even say my name properly yet..." Childe mumbled, you crawled up slowly closer towards Childe's face as you booped his nose with your nose.

"A...Ajax!" you shouted out of nowhere, Childe's eyes widened as he sat up which meant you were now leaned against his legs, Childe started to chuckle then laugh.

"Say that again!" Childe chuckled "A...Ajax!" you shouted again, Childe laughed as he looked up and covered his eyes in disbelief, you noticed he also began crying which made you pout.

"A...Ajax?" you called out for him, he stopped what he was doing and looked down at you, you noticed he was still crying and his eyes were slightly red.

"Mmm..." you groaned, leaning against his chest and cuddling him, he chuckled as he softly smiled as he cuddled with you too happily.

( After the Kidnapping )

• Childe is going to be 'Obsessive' , 'Protective' and 'Jealousy' once again.

• For 'Obsessive' Childe is obviously never gonna let you go but it is far worser as you are mostly stuck to his grip like he is typically glue, if you were to whine about wanting to go to your actual home. Childe would assume that you are crying because you need him, if you are wanting something or simply anything else.

• For 'Protective' he is NEVER EVER GOING TO LET ANYBODY PUT A FINGER ON YOU! If somebody were to talk with you. You would never ever see them again! If somebody were to be assigned to take care of you. Childe is obviously going to send them away and there is a low chance you'll see them again! And if you were to be taken away... Childe is going to kill that person right in front of you...

• For 'Jealousy' Childe won't hesitate to break anybody's fingers or necks if they dare try to talk with you, he hates when people especially baby you around as well. He gets you are a Baby but he is only allowed to do that!

( After the Kidnapping )

"HEY! GET BACK HERE!" Childe shouted from the kitchen, you ran away with your little chubby feet because it was nighttime and you already knew the drill... it was bedtime...

"No, no! No, no!" you shouted, running away with your little chubby legs while screaming, Childe managed to obviously catch up to you and grabbed you by underneath the armpits and lifted you up.

"Got you~" Childe cooed as you rotated your head slowly, seeing Childe's dull eyes glaring into your cute big eyes and your eyes began to sprinkle as you whined then Childe began to panic.

"W...Wait! Don't cry, I understand you don't want to go to bed although you are going to make me cry as well!" Childe whined as like an actual child, taking you towards the bedroom as he shut the door and turned the lights on.

You tried to cry out again except Childe covered your mouth with his right hand as you were sniffing and sobbing quietly, Childe only 'aw'ed from the sight.

"Shhhh! No need to cry, I'm here..." he mumbled, kissing your right cheek multiple times as you were grunting, trying to get out of his grip but it was no use.

Childe walks over towards your crib which was near his bed, he placed you inside of the crib as he sighed and smiled softly while stroking your cheek carefully.

You yawned from his soft touch as you felt your own eyes slowly fail to stay awake, you grabbed your plushie with your small chubby hands and hugged it tightly as Childe 'aw'ed from the sight.

He turned the lights off as he headed into his bed, pulling the blanket over his neck as he slowly breathed and fell asleep...

2 hours later...

"WAAAAAAAAA!" you cried, tossing around as you whined loudly, Childe sat up almost immediately as he looked towards you and got out of bed, he ran towards you and looked over the crib.

"Oh no... shhhhhh! Don't cry..." he mumbled, lifting you up from underneath the armpits as he allowed you to rest on his shoulder while he was rocking you around.

You slowly started crying as you were sniffing, Childe slowly took you towards his bed as he sat back down on it while you were resting on his lap.

"Are you alright now Baby...?" he mumbled, you opened your eyes slowly as your big, teary eyes stared into Childe's dull eyes as he hid the fact that you looked absolutely adorable right now.

"Huggie..." you mumbled, holding onto Childe's shirt as he chuckled quietly, laying down on the bed as he placed you beside him, he hid you closely to him as you were now happily sleeping quietly while he noticed and smiled, falling asleep as well...


A/N - I'm truly sorry but this is unfortunately the last Bonus Chapter for the Childe Fanfic... the Book is officially done and Requests will no longer be taken...

Thank you for the support! I highly appreciate it and I cannot be any more grateful, thank you very much! <33

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