Chapter 15

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In the Morning

Childe was no longer sick which you were grateful about since you didn't want another day with Childe being sick since Day 1 of him being sick already annoyed you badly.

You both got ready as you were now finishing breakfast with him, Childe finished his food first but he was waiting for you to finish your food.

You finished your food as you then chuckled "Your food is so good Childe! You should cook more often!" you complimented him which made him smile happily, he loves when you compliment him.

You both brought your dirty dishes in the sink, you grabbed your bag which was also filled with your belongings and Childe's but Childe has a little amount due to him arriving late.

You put your shoes on as Childe did the same, you grabbed your keys which was on the near-by table as you both left the house together, you then locked the door and double-checked if you locked the door properly.

Childe was waiting for you as he stuck his hand out, waiting for you to hold it which you did as you both walked over to the bus together. Now you were waiting for the bus to arrive.

The bus arrived after a bit, everybody got on one-by-one as you and Childe obviously sat near each other. You didn't notice this but Childe did but there was some boy who was looking at you with blush on their face as Childe glared at him but that didn't scare him.

Childe then hugged you tightly which got your attention, you stared at him in confusion "Are you alright Ajax?" you asked, due to you both being in the public, you had to call him 'Ajax' instead of 'Childe'.

He snapped out of his thoughts as he looked at you normally now "Oh I'm fine girly! Just a little tired, that's it!" he lied as you nodded your head, you relaxed your head against his shoulder happily which he found proud of.

You both arrived at the School which was obviously College as the students got off the bus one-by-one, you both got off the bus together as you headed inside the school together.

You headed towards your classroom which you noticed that there is barely anyone there which was common since class hasn't even properly started yet.

2 girls headed over to you as they dragged you somewhere else which made Childe very confused on what they just did "Hey Y/n! How have you ever recently?" the first girl asked "I'm doing alright, how come you dragged me here?" you asked.

"It's because we are checking up on everybody, there could have been witnessess for the murders and if there is. We are able to report to the police about it" the second girl spoke, they weren't wrong though. You didn't know much about them but their parents are police officers for all you know.

"Alright then, but if you ask me then no! I haven't witnessed any murders" you spoke but you sort of lied due to you knowing the murderer definitely has an obsessive crush on you.

Childe approached all 3 of you as he wrapped arm around your waist which made you blush slightly, the 2 other girls were slightly imitated by Childe because they knew nothing about the man.

"Hello ladies, are you perhaps flirting with my lover?" Childe glared at them as he smiled creepily behind his mask, his eyes being covered by his hat which causes a shadow that makes it more scary-looking.

"No no! We were simply asking them a question about something" the first girl spoke as Childe went back to normal, he was jealous and assumed that they were flirting with you.

"Hey Y/n? I have this question but by any chance is Ajax your boyfriend?" the second girl asked as she pointed to Childe in curiosity, you began to blush intensely from that question.

I should have never wished for you... | Yandere Childe x Reader | Self-Aware |Where stories live. Discover now