Childe's Thoughts

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Huh...? Y/N...? OH YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT MY GIRLY!! I don't usually say their real name so I somehow forget I guess you could say... but they are something else to me...

Deep down inside of me, something grew beyond me and I didn't even know what that was... Y/N was a key piece to my life I guess you could say... but no, they are much farther then that!

I could talk about them all day, dream-day about them all day, stare at them all day, hold onto them all day... AT LEAST ANYTHING! AHAHA!

I remembered the first time they got me and I was grateful that they finally managed to get me after such a long time... I know about this so-called game which is called "Genshin Impact" and it's nothing other than some type of game which I am the only one who knows it's fake and there's a real world out there!

I waited for... well for a long time for Y/N to get me, I tried to hack the system so they could get other 5* characters so they are happy! I want my Y/N happy! But I didn't want that either otherwise they would have never got me so I secretly budged their system so I would become their first 5* character once they pull for me...

But I think I am going off-topic again, I would do anything for my Y/N even if it meant I had to do the worse thing in the world for them! I remembered all of those moments I shared with Y/N and those kisses we had... Heh!

But I should be more careful about my murders next time... otherwise Y/N would find out! When they find out all of those murders... they will probably run away from me... AND I'M NOT GONNA LET THAT HAPPEN!

I should have never wished for you... | Yandere Childe x Reader | Self-Aware |Where stories live. Discover now