Chapter 4

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Here you are, sleeping with Childe once again but instead of sleeping for 8 hours, you both slept for an extra 4 hours since you both fell asleep again at 3am.

You started to walk up due to the rays of sunshine going through the curtains, you yawned as you looked up with tired eyes to see Childe happily asleep while he was protectively cuddling you while being asleep.

You secretly managed to get out of Childe's grip by wiggling out of it, you replaced yourself with a pillow that was laying near the sofa and you quickly yet quietly ran up the stairs.

You grabbed your bag, a different bag which was your purse / bag. You chose to put in your phone, charger, money with your card in case and your keys.

You grabbed a sticky note from your drawer with a pencil and wrote a quick note for Childe. You ran back down the stairs quickly yet quietly once again and placed the sticky note on the table near the sofa where Childe was located at.

You went to the front door to put on your shoes, you opened the door quietly. You left your house, turning around and closing the door with your keys and double-checking if you did it properly in case.

You went down the small stairs, you headed over to your car which was parked at the front. You opened the door, you then put yourself in the driver's seat then closed it.

You began to start it and placed your purse on the passenger seat which was near you, you put on your seatbelt and began to leave your house with your car.

Meanwhile with Childe

Right after you left, Childe could have sworn his senses went off which could have meant only 1 thing.

You left again.. Childe started panicking once he saw the pillow instead of you, he threw the pillow beside him and he then noticed that there was a sticky note on the table near him.

He went to grab it and quickly read what it was saying.

Hey Childe,

I went to the mall to go get some clothes for you, I might possibly be gone for 1 or 2 hours so please do make yourself comfortable while I'm gone.


As soon as Childe finished reading that, he put the sticky note back on the table, face planted into the pillow and started screaming into it.

"Why why why!" Childe's voice was muffled since his face was stuffed into the pillow, he could have at least hid in your car while you go shopping.


"Hmm, where is the nearest mall?" You asked yourself, you searched on your Google maps to notice the closest was 2 hours away.

"Sorry Childe, guess I won't be back for a while" you mumbled, you continued to drive. While Childe on the other hand was having tantrums and is crying due to you being gone.

Around 2 hours later

"I finally made it to the mall, let's go looking for some stuff for Childe" you muttered, rushing into the mall to look for some clothes for Childe and luckily there was something that caught your eye.

'Hmm, those clothes on the mannequin looks like it would suit him' you thought yourself, the mannequin had a black hoodie that faded into a shade of gray, the sleeves went down to the wrist, the mannequin had gloves that only that fingers stuck out of and the jeans were a dark shade of gray, it also came with a black hat.

You quickly rushed into the store and went to the worker who was near the mannequins "Uhm excuse me?" You confidently said, approaching the worker who heard your call.

I should have never wished for you... | Yandere Childe x Reader | Self-Aware |Where stories live. Discover now