Childe as a Baby ( Headcanons + Oneshot )

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( Before getting Kidnapped )

Childe as a Baby would probably be the cutest thing for you, he would most definitely be 'Obsessive' , 'Possessive' and 'Jealousy'.

• Mostly for 'Obsessive' he would clingy, he would cling onto your neck, arms, hands, legs, even holding onto your waist for dear life just to stay with you.

• As for 'Jealousy' it would be you not paying attention to him, if you are on a call with somebody, cooking something, watching TV, scrolling through your phone, then Childe would purposely cause destruction to get your attention.

( Before getting Kidnapped )

You were absolutely mad at Childe today because he climbed up the fence of your backyard and fell backwards, almost breaking his neck but thankfully you caught him and you were absolutely mad at him for that.

Currently Childe is beside you, in his little Fatui Harbinger clothes, tucking on your shirt for your attention but you crossed your arms and looked the other way with a pout.

Childe began whining as he began to fake cry for your attention, you were so annoyed and done with him that you left the living room and headed towards the kitchen.

"Y/n! Y/n!" Childe cried out for your name, running after you and clinging onto your leg which made you stop in pause as you sighed and crossed your arms.

"Y/n! Y/n!" Childe shouted, looking up with his sprinkle light blue eyes, his Fatui clothing wasn't fully his size so it was mostly his sleeves wrapped around your leg.

"Y/n! Me soso, me soso..." Childe cried, you sighed, what Childe was trying to say was 'Y/n! I'm sorry, I'm sorry...' but due to the fact he is a literal 1 year old baby, he said that instead.

You grabbed Childe as he assumed you accepted your defeat but instead you placed him a bit farther away and walked towards the kitchen.

Childe cried again, throwing a tantrum but chose not to come after you but instead he got up and walked towards the stairs, looking up as he began to slowly walk up the stairs.

Childe made it to the top of the stairs as he turned around and looked down, wondering if he should take the risk or not.

Childe chose to as he lifted one of his chubby legs up then slowly leaned forward as he tried to save him but actually fell down the stairs, hitting each step, he then hit the ground, causing a loud crash which you heard from the kitchen.

You stopped what you were doing and began running around the house when you heard loud crying from the front door, you ran there and noticed that Childe was crying and covering himself.

You noticed the shoe rack was all messed up, causing all of the shoes to be all over the ground, you gasped as you ran towards Baby Childe, placing him on your lap while your hands were underneath his armpits.

"Ajax?! Are you alright-" before you could finish, you gasped and covered your mouth in fear, Childe was having a nosebleed as there was a red marking on his head.

"No no... I'm so sorry Baby... I should have kept an eye on you, this was all of my fault..." you cried, stuffing your face into Childe's shoulder as you hugged him tightly.

Childe who was smiling widely as he continued to fake cry was hidden, he finally managed to get your attention...

( After the Kidnapping )

• Childe as a Baby would definitely be the same thing but much worser, he would most definitely be 'Obsessive' , 'Possessive' , 'Protective' and 'Jealousy'.

• For 'Obsessive' he is going to be clingy, he will be clinging onto you for dear life every chance he got but he would also follow you everywhere you'd go around the house, Snezhnaya, Liyue but really everywhere.

• For 'Possessive' he is obviously going to follow you around and he'd prefer if you would carry him although anybody who tries to approach you and talk with you, Childe is going to force them to leave which you and them will both get nervous as his Baby Language would convince the person. If the Person doesn't understand, Childe would try to leave your grip and jump on them which makes them leave now.

• For 'Protective' it is obviously coming from both 'Obsessive' and 'Possessive' so he is really ready to jump on any person and attack them if they try to talk with you, he might as well bite their hands if they try to approach you.

• For 'Jealousy' he would do the same thing about causing any type of destruction that could get your attention such as attacking people, destroying shops, even running around with a bow that he can't carry properly.

( After the Kidnapping )

Childe was currently resting in your arms, facing front while pointing towards stores he would like to go visit, unfortunately you couldn't do anything but follow him everywhere he wanted to go.

"Y/n! Y/n! We are so glad to see you!" you heard a familiar voice behind you, you rotated your eye as you noticed Paimon and the Traveler running towards you, you fully turned your body around as Paimon and the Traveler noticed Childe pouting angrily in your grip.

"Hey Childe! Didn't notice you there, how have you been?" Paimon asked while sweatdropping, Childe groaned angrily as he leaned more back against your chest which made you sigh.

"Y/n? You alright?" The Traveler asked "I'm perfectly fine... it's just that A...Childe requested it would just be us two for today..." you mumbled, Childe had an urge to attack Paimon and the Traveler although you wrapped an arm around him to avoid him getting up.

"Aww... but you told us the same thing yesterday, can't little Childe just be with the other Fatui Harbingers for the day?" Paimon asked.

"No!" Childe angrily groaned, you sighed "He doesn't exactly like all of them, especially Scaramouche..." you sighed, remembering the little battle between those two.

"Childe! Pleaseeeee!" Paimon begged, putting her hands together and making a puppy face, Childe pouted as his little chubby cheeks huffed up.

"No!" Childe shouted, Paimon groaned angrily as you already know where this was going... the Traveler tried to stop Paimon but you stuck your hand out and nodded 'no' so they stopped and stayed put.

"That isn't fair! Give poor Y/n a break for once in their lifetime, you know they deserve one, look at them! They are so tired from all of your clinginess and whining all of the time!" Paimon shouted.

Childe gasped as the Traveler's eyes widened and tried to hold in his laughter, only you did the same thing as the Traveler.

"AAAAAA!" Childe shouted angrily, leaning down as he bit your arm hardly which made you flinch in pain and let go of him, Childe fell on the ground and managed to land.

Childe summoned his bow which he could barely hold properly and began to chase Paimon around and try to shoot her while she was shouting...



A/N - If you are willing to request anything, head on over to the "Bonus Chapters" and request on what you would like to have next!

The Requests are going to be open as long as the book is so be quick! As fast as possible before time is out!

I hope you enjoyed this Bonus Chapter!! <3

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