Chapter 20

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Key Words -

r/g/n - random girl name

Warning Contains...

Mentions of Needles

Weird Warnings-

Probably you crying rn 😭
Probably wayyyyy too much comments lol!


You opened your eyes to notice that you were in your bedroom, you noticed something extremely strange as you looked around and noticed...

You... you noticed yourself sitting on the black chair, your hands covering your face in disappointment and your desk was messy, between your elbows was your laptop with Genshin Impact open.

"I don't really like Childe except I really want my first 5* character" you mumbled to yourself, now glaring at your laptop in anger.

Your eyes widened as you finally remembered what happened here, you were wishing for 5* characters but failed to do so, you are currently deciding if you want to pull for Childe...

"Ugh, forget it.. WAIT!" you shouted as you were checking something.

You chose to approach your past self as you bent down slightly, you noticed you had 1620 primogems meaning you are able to do a 10 pull.

"Okay.. maybe I should try to do a wish on Childe's banner" you smirked.

"WAIT NO!" you shouted as you tried to stop your past self, but your hands went through your past self instead as you stared in shock, your past self clicked on the 10 pull button.

You watched as you saw you first got a Blue then it suddenly turned into a Gold as your past self began to scream in excitement, but you watched in fear and anger.

Your past self accidentally fell off the chair as you watched yourself groan in pain, your past self then got up from the ground as you both looked at your laptop screen to see the bold letters, spelling out "Tartaglia".

Your past self began to scream even more in excitement as you watched sadly, now knowing the type of person Childe is now...

"NO WAY, I JUST GOT CHILDE!" you shouted excitedly.

You were so happy on that day when you got Childe as your first 5* character... you watched your past self take a screenshot of the memorial moment then moved onto the next wish.

"Why do I have another Childe?" you questioned yourself.

"Uhm.. I guess I have C1 Childe?" you giggled awkwardly.

You noticed your past self was so confused on how you got Childe twice as you simply glared at you laptop screen in anger, your past self then thought of something.

"Wait, wait, wait..." you spoke.

Your past self clicked on the "Skip" button as they noticed 10 Childe's...

"WHY DO I HAVE 10 CHILDE'S!?" they shouted, you began to panic.

"Hmm... maybe this is just some type of joke" you spoke.

I should have never wished for you... | Yandere Childe x Reader | Self-Aware |Where stories live. Discover now