Chapter 5

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Childe's face expression went back to normal due to you walking into the room and sat down at the Dinner Table, you were anxious on what happened. Should you tell Childe what happened?

"Girly? You alright, you seem to be really scared?" he asked in a worried tone, he wasn't actually worried, he knew what was wrong.

"Yeah! Forget is perfectly fine!" you chuckled nervously as you went back to looking at the table "Wanna help me cook girly?" Childe asked you as he smirked, hoping that would make you feel better since he knew what was wrong.

Your eyes sprinkle in joy as you jump up from your seat and rush up to Childe "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!" you whined, Childe found that really cute so he allowed it obviously.

After cooking the Food

Childe did most of the work since you wanted to see how he cooks and he loved when he was watching you cook since he could see how you would do it and now you 2 are eating it.

"Mmm! This tastes really good Childe, you should cook more often" you said as you ate your food happily which Childe found adorable since you found his cooking awesome so if you enjoy his cooking, he will do it more often for you.

"Haha, I'm glad you are enjoying it!" Childe says as he watches you eat, he already finished eating which was quite fast "Hey Childe?" you asked, Childe hummed in reply.

"You know when you were in the game? Were you able to see me during Story Quests?" you asked Childe but he only hummed in reply.

"You were able too? How come you didn't admit that earlier?" you asked several questions at once "Because you never asked!" Childe laughed as he held his stomach due to the amount of laughter.

"You know what, how about we go outside? You can see the outside world for the first time I guess?l" you chucked which Childe also did. Little did you know Childe already knows what the outside world looks like... how else would he murder person?...

"Sure!" Childe says proudly, you both get up and head into the room you placed Childe's brand new clothes.

"Okay Childe, wear these clothes and take the hat with the mask so people don't recognize you easily" Childe was about to happily get it but you changed your mind.

"You know what, take a shower first!" you shouted as you dragged Childe to your bedroom for him to go take a shower.

"Girly girly! Hold up, how about we shower together?" Childe says as he blushes from the sudden thought except you exploded.

"WHAT!? NO!" you shouted angrily as you dropped Childe on the bathroom floor "Girly? Pleaseee?" Childe begged as he puts his hands together and was practically begging you hard.

"Yeah.. no!" you shouted as you left the bathroom but Childe simply chased after you, he picked you up underneath the armpits and went back into the bathroom.

"Okay girly, you are going to shower with me no matter what plus I don't really understand your world anyways yet!" Childe giggles as he locks the door, he runs the water as he begins to take off his mask that layed on the side of his hair.

"ECCCKK! You could have told me you were about to take off your clothes!" you shouted, you blocked your eyes with your hands, flustered that he suddenly took off his clothes without warning you.

"Girly, it's fine! we are a couple now after all" Childe mumbled the last part which you couldn't hear for some reason "What did you say Childe? I couldn't hear you" you said with your hands still blocking your eyes "I didn't say anything girly!" that was a lie...

I should have never wished for you... | Yandere Childe x Reader | Self-Aware |Where stories live. Discover now