Chapter 6

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You were in the car, driving to the Carnival with Childe in the car except Childe kept bothering you every 2 seconds.

"Hey girly? Are we there? Can I hug you?" Childe asked you, you were there with your eye twitching from Childe's constant requests which got you extremely annoyed "We are almost there.. if you don't shut up in the next second, I will zip your mouth up!" you glared at Childe, Childe was actually quiet this time.

He was having a huge urge to speak again except he didn't want to get thrown out the car by you so he remained quiet "Girly?" Childe asked as he looked at you but you simply glared at him which made him shrink back in his seat.

"What do you want?" you chucked darkly as Childe, Childe pointed somewhere "What is that in the distance?" Childe asked, he pointed to a place with colourful lights.

"That is the place I will be taking you too" you said, as you tried to find a parking spot which didn't take that long "Come on Childe-" you said but before you could finished, Childe covered your face and he sheeshed you for being too loud.

"Don't call me Childe in the public, call me Ajax, that is my real name" Childe quietly spoke, his real name is Ajax? "I thought your real name was Childe" you whispered to him.

"It is Ajax, that is my real name, Tartaglia and Childe aren't my real names" Childe said quietly as he chucked from your sudden reaction "Alright then 'Ajax' let's go" you said nervously, unsure of it still while 'Ajax' just simply hummed in reply.

You and 'Ajax' went inside the Carnival and you payed for both of your tickets so you have full access around the carnival, you both were walking around until you saw a sky dropper which you dragged Childe too.

"Let's go on the Sky Dropper! It is so fun, you will like it" you smiled at Childe who started to blush slightly but it was covered with the mask he was wearing.

You got onto the Sky Dropper with Childe, you both sat near each other and it began to go up and down which you shouted happily along with some others while Childe had the urge to hug you due to how high it went.

"That was so fun! Can we go again" you shouted happily as you tucked onto his Childe's sleeve except Childe refused to go back on that foolish ride.

"How about we eat something girly? I'm sure you are hungry" Childe says as he smiles at you "Yeah sure, let's go buy some food-" before you could finish, somebody suddenly bumped into you.

"WATCH WHERE YOU ARE STANDING!" the woman shouted as she continued to walk away, Childe's fists tighten as he glared at the woman who bumped into you.

"You know what girly, you could go head! I have to go use the bathroom anyways" he lied "Alright Chi- I mean, Alright Ajax!" you said happily as you headed over to one of the food stands while Childe's face went from happy to a glare.

He went to that woman's direction and managed to find her and cornered her "What do you think you are doing! Tell your little girlfriend/boyfriend not to bump into me-" she was interrupted by feeling a horrible pain in her stomach.

She looked down to notice a sword that had water? Childe secretly hid his vision inside of his pockets, he took his weapon out of the woman's stomach and there was blood all over the place except it managed not to get on Childe's clothes somehow.

"You beast!" she shouted, Childe used his sword to slit her throat out "Shut up!" Childe mumbled as he kicked her stomach which she shouted in pain.

She fell to the ground and face planted, making her nose bleed and her blood flowing out of her mouth "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TALK TO THEM LIKE THAT" he shouted as he stomped on her head which kept hitting on the ground over and again.

I should have never wished for you... | Yandere Childe x Reader | Self-Aware |Where stories live. Discover now