Chapter 8

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Warning contains..



Childe walked through the evening, he looked down which got the people passing by with curiosity, Childe thought of the girl's screams and cry's for help which he was used to as a Fatui Harbinger.

Childe stuck through the girl's house from the back window which was thankfully open, he heard the noise coming from the basement which was the sound of the TV so Childe opened the door quietly and started to head down the stairs.

He peeked through to notice the girl's back was faced towards him and she was watching something on the TV so Childe got the Knife out and tip-toed over to her.

She put the knife over her throat, the girl was about to scream until Childe blocked that with his other hand.

The girl's eyes widened as she looked behind her to notice Childe's dull light blue eyes glaring into her eyes, she was freaking out on what was going on.

She bit Childe's hand which got him angered and she began to shout "WHO ARE YOU? WAIT I KNOW YOU, YOU ARE THAT NEW BOY THAT HANGS OUT WITH MY CRUSH!" she shouted angrily as she pointed to Childe.

"I am.. Hahaha!" Childe started to laugh like a psychopath which got the girl scared as he was behind her couch while she was in front of it, keeping a 'safe' distance away from each other?

"Get out of my house, otherwise I-I'll call the police!" she stuttered angrily which made the boy laugh some more "You think some stupid police is going to stop me?" he said as he took off his hat to get a better look at her.

"I will kill you for trying to get closer to my girly" Childe said darkly, his eyes widened with an obsessive look in them while her eyes widened with fear.

Childe then threw the knife to her which caught her off guard, she managed to dodge it except it managed to get a cut on her right cheek but it hit her TV which caused it to break.

"Tch.." Childe looked pissed now, he went over to her to try to grab her except she began to run up the stairs to who knows where, Childe followed behind quietly.

He looked around the living room and kitchen only not to find her in either one of the rooms, he grabbed one of her biggest knifes and began to tore things down in anger.

He ripped her pillows up, broke other open window causing it to either have cracks or half of the window was gone, he knocked chairs down and threw any object around the room which either broke it or destroyed half of it.

"WHERE ARE YOU!?" Childe shouted angrily as he began to go up the stairs, the knife in his right hand gripped onto it well, he went into her bathroom to destroy the curtains, open cabinets in the bathrooms which then was destroyed.

Childe then stomped over to the next room which was her bedroom to find the door locked, he started to smile which was crooked and his eye began to twitch as he then broke down the door to find her on the wall helplessly.

"AHAHAHA! YOU THINK YOU COULD ESCAPE ME!?" Childe shouted with craze in his voice, she hid underneath the window with her back on the wall.

She tried to run except Childe yanked her by the hair and put her back there, he then broke the window above her which left glass pieces onto her exposed legs due to her wearing shorts.

Childe started to laugh again with craze in it as he then stabbed the knife onto her leg which got her to scream in pain "You know you could have left them alone once I warned you at School, right!?" Childe shouted which then he kicked her in the face multiple times.

Quick Flashback

"You should leave my girly alone!" Childe shouted angrily which the girl only smirked in reply "Not my fault I have a crush on them, you should leave them alone" she said with a smug face which angered Childe.

Childe then stomped away to go look for you again.

End of Flashback

Childe then ripped his mask off his face which the girl gasped in fear "W-wait, I know w-who you are" the girl stuttered as she pointed to Childe in fear.

"Y-you are Childe! F-from that Genshin Impact Game!" she stuttered once again which Childe just laughed in reply "H-how are you h-here right now!?" she shouted which Childe simply punched her in the face.

"What if I told you I managed to get out of the game just for them..." he smirked evilly as he began to yank her by the hair again and then dragged her over the stairs.

"I WILL MAKE SURE YOU ARE DEAD BEFORE YOU KNOW IT!" Childe shouted angrily as he threw her down the stairs, she hit the steps and the walls, she hit the front door which she quickly got up again with the remaining energy she had then ran down the stairs.

Childe was angered from her managing to get up so he summoned his water blades then went down the stairs slowly with anger, she managed to get to the basement, she locked the door then ran down to grab her phone.

She went into her camera then began to hit the record button and started to film a video before she died so people could know who murdered her.

"H-help me! T-there is a murderer in my household telling me to stay away from this person I-I think this person has an obsessive with them" she stuttered which got most of it, she looked beat up and she was bleeding badly.

"I-I am from that C-College where the person there was m-murdered I know who my murderer is b-but they are pounding on the door a lot" she stuttered once again, Childe was pounding on the door due to the door having 2 secured locks on it.

"I-if you are from my College and y-you are familiar with me DON'T TRUST HIM! HE IS ADDICTED TO THAT PERSON AND IF YOU TRY TO SPEAK BAD OF THEM OR LIKE THEM, HE WILL MURDER YOU" she shouted as Childe finally managed to get the door open.

"I-I hear him coming I-if you are seeing this BE CAREFUL! HE WILL FIND YOU BECAUSE THE NAME OF MY MURDERER IS CH-" before she could finish, Childe stabbed the blade on her back leaving a huge mark on it.

She stopped recording as she slid her phone underneath the couch so people could find it later on "YOU THINK YOU COULD HAVE ESCAPED ME!" he shouted as he then continued to stab her back with his water blades.

He then grabbed her by the hair, took her to a near by wall and smashed her head on it back and forth multiple times which finally led to her death.

"Sucks to be you.. should have stayed away from them" he then threw her body against the wall, her back facing it and the bloody marks leaking down from the wall.

Her eyes were dull, blood was leaking from everywhere on her body. Her mouth, nose, head, legs, back and arms which was probably one of Childe's most biggest murders recently now.

His clothes was bloody, Childe began to laugh like crazy as he put away his waterblades, Childe then grabbed the 2 knifes which had his marks on it and he went somewhere to dispose of them.

Leaving the girl's bloody body on the wall, her phone underneath the couch sticking out slightly but what Childe didn't know was that she also left her location to the police before she died which Childe didn't notice...



Also Teucer was so cute! Him and Childe's little promise thing was so cute yet funny, haha!

Sorry for not posting Chapter 8 earlier, I was busy with some stuff plus I am writing tons of chapters together so everybody could read it instead of me having to upload chapter by chapter.

Also... I am genuinely surprised on how I got 6k+ reads... Thank you all for it except I am still very surprised since I could have sworn I had 1k+ around a few days ago.

So Chapter 9 may come out in a bit soooo- hope you enjoyed this chapter! <3

See y'all in the next chapter! Byeee! <3

Word Count - 1459

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