Chapter 13

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You had your laptop in your hands due to leaving it in your room with a certain ginger who was currently sick, you placed your laptop in the dining room as you headed into the living room.

You grabbed your back as you rushed back into the dining room to place your bag on a near by chair, you pulled your chair in as you sat down on it and opened your laptop to see any new work.

You checked to see you had 3 new assignments which you hated since it was always so hard, at least 1 assignment was either 2 or 3 hours long which absolutely annoyed you except this time these assignments were easy.

You got your notebook and pencil out of your book as you began to head into your first assignment and take notes of it, you were doing an assignment about somebody in the past but it felt more like an essay as you continued to write.

1 hour later

You ripped off 2 sheets of paper as you stapled them together and placed them to the side to put back in your bag later, you moved onto your next assignment which seemed to be about Math and this math seemed impossible as you groaned.

"NOOOO!" you groaned as you covered your face with your hands, you then heard movement near you to notice Childe coming into the dining room "Shouldn't you be in bed sir?" you smirked as you raised a brow, Childe came near you as he tackled you into a hug.

"OKAY OKAY! Enough with the mood swinging Childe, go back to bed" you spoke as you turned back to your laptop, getting your pencil ready to write down your notes again except Childe stopped you.

"C-come to bed with me" Childe stuttered as he stuffed his face into your chest which made you sigh in anger, Childe being sick started to annoy you a little due to his clinginess "I have work to do, if I do not complete this. I have to give a really big reason to the teacher why I didn't finish this" you sweat dropped as you remembered what your teacher told you last time.

Quick Flashback

"Y/N explain why you didn't hand in your assignments during the winter break?" your teacher asked strictly as she pulled her glasses up "I want on a vacation with my family! I swear this time!" you spoke as you waved your hands everywhere.

"Oh really? When you came back home, why didn't you do it then?" your teacher spoke angrily as she crossed her arms "I came back 1 day before College was going to start again-" before you could finish, the teacher smacked the table with her fist.

"YOU HAVE 1 DAY TO FINISH ALL 5 OF THISE ASSIGNMENTS!" "ECCCCCCKKKK!" you flinched as you then headed home quickly then did all of your work without getting any sleep.

End of Flashback

"I don't wanna go through that again..." you whined as you thought of your teacher's strict side showing "..." Childe groaned as he snuggled into your chest more "Go snuggle with a pillow Childe, I have work to do" you spoke as Childe then obeyed what you did but before he left, he looked at you quickly.

"T-then will we sleep together?" Childe stuttered as he coughed "Mhm! I'll even make us some food too, we haven't gotten to eat anything yet!" you spoke proudly as you crossed your arms, Childe laughed then coughed as he headed back to your bedroom.

"Ugh! More work to do!" you groaned as you began to write down your notes for the next assignment.

2 hours later

"YAYYY! I FINISHED ALL OF THE ASSIGNMENTS!" you cheered as you cleaned up the table, placing the laptop inside as you ran into the living room and placed it near the sofa as you headed into the kitchen.

I should have never wished for you... | Yandere Childe x Reader | Self-Aware |Where stories live. Discover now