School Prom

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You and Childe has heard through the daily messages through the School Email that there will be Prom, you were extremely excited while Childe was confused on what a "School Prom" was.

You explained to him that it was about people dressing up fancy and dancing with a partner or alone and Childe got really interested as you both bought outfits for yourselves.


"How do I look girly?" Childe asked as he checked himself out, you were still in the closet, getting yourself ready.

Childe wore a black dress-shirt with a waistcoat that was dark red, his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. He wore dark red pants with fancy black shoes as his hair was pushed back but he was about to put his mask on once you both headed inside the College.

"Childe! You know I can't see you, right?" you spoke as Childe looked around while sweat dropping "Hehe! Wait till you see me then girly!" he shouted.

You got out of the closet and Childe gasped as he saw your outfit, he blushed intensely as his jaw dropped in shock.

Female Readers:

Your dress length was down to your knees as you wore [legging colour] your top of the dress was shaped as a V-Neck which showed your chest only a bit.

Your dress colour was [favourite colour] and you wore heels that matched the dress and as a decoration, you added a necklace with a pearl bracelet.

Male Readers:

You wore a dress-shirt, you chose to wear a dark [favourite colour] waistcoat over the dress-shirt and your sleeves were rolled up to your elbows.

You wore basic black pants as you also had those fancy black shoes that you bought a while ago and as a decoration, you wore a watch on your left wrist.

Childe stared at you as he blushed intensely, you closed his jaw as you hugged his neck, he smiled softly as he held onto your waist.

"Why are we dancing here? Shouldn't we dancing elsewhere~?" you cooed as you asked, using your index finger and drawing circles on your Childe's chest as he blushed intensely.

"Oh yeah! Let's go girly!" he spoke as you both left the house, making sure you locked your house door and headed towards the car.

You obviously drove since Childe couldn't and you drove towards the College.

5 minutes later

You parked outside of the School as you and Childe held hands, Childe made sure his mask was placed on properly as you chuckled since you thought it was cute.

You both headed inside as some people saw the both of you, they all thought that you and Childe were a cute couple.

You and Childe arrived at the right time as the music changed, everybody positioned themselves with their partner and began to dance.

You and Childe headed towards the centre as Childe held onto your waist, you put your hands on his shoulders as you relaxed your head on his left shoulder which he blushed to.

That night with Childe was awesome, you both danced with each other, ate many amazing desserts together and not only that...

Childe was voted as Prom King and you were voted as Prom King/Queen which surprised the both of you, did everybody love you that much as a couple.

After the Prom

You both arrived exhausted as you took your shoes off and Childe took his shoes off as well, Childe also took his mask off as you both arrived in the living.

He threw his mask on the sofa, you were sitting on the couch as Childe suddenly pulled you up and held onto your waist again.

You chuckled as Childe smiled softly at you while blushing slightly, you placed your hands on Childe's shoulders as you placed him this time and you both danced together that night... it was the loveliest night you both ever had...


A/N - If you are willing to request anything, head on over to the "Bonus Chapters" and request on what you would like to have next!

The Requests are going to be open as long as the book is so be quick! As fast as possible before time is out!

I hope you enjoyed this Bonus Chapter!! <3

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