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This is complicated....
I just put the last bandage on my hip... these guys give no mercy...
I need to buy more....

It's been 3 months since I started dating Manjiro Sano...or Mikey.
And I admit that I am totally in love with this guy.

It was me who asked him out first, and I don't regret it...even tho......
I have to act different.

Why? I think....it's because this "acting" is the reason why we're together.

"Y/N! I am here!" I heard Mikey in my front door.

I quickly ran towards the window and saw him with Draken, his best friend.

"Mikey!" I yelled, making him look at me and wave.

"Wait a second!" I took my keys and backpack.

I closed the windows and ran downstairs, after I opened the front door, I saw my blond haired boy.
The first thing I did was hug him.

"You smell so good!" Mikey smiled at me.

"You smell like dorayaki! " I smiled back.

"You look so lovely every day!" He said hugging me tighter.

"Aham....we should go" Draken walks to his motorcycle.

I locked the door and Mikey holds my hand.
I sat behind Mikey on his bike.

"By the way! My parents sent me money yesterday! Wanna go eat somewhere tonight?" I asked him.

My parents are working in foreign countries, they know that I am dating a guy too and I am grateful that they accepted me the way I am.

"Let's talk about the date later ok?" Mikey said while turning on the engine.

"Hmmmmm ok" I warp my arms around his waist.

He touched my arm and grabs my wrist.

"It hasn't healed yet? " Mikey kissed my wrists that was injured.

"It's alright it doesn't hurt anymore" I smiled.

Mikey wasn't taking it and pressed the bruise.

"Akakzjsnsi Ouch" I took my hand back.

"Tsk, liar"Mikey looked angry.

"Are we going or not!" Draken was getting annoyed too.

"Let's go!" Mikey suddenly starts to drive, making me hug him tightly.

"Aaaaah! WARN ME BEFORE YOU START IT!" I hide my face on his back.

3rd Person POV.

Y/N was in a different school, a pretty famous one. But the bad reputation is what makes it famous.

Mikey stopped his bike and Y/N got off, the blond kisses him on the lips and says goodbye.

"Bye bye!" Mikey smiles at Y/N.

"See you after school!" Y/N smiles back.

"Take care" Draken said and they left.

Y/N walks normally into the school, but the pressure increases everytime he walks by the people there.

Meanwhile, Mikey and Draken were still driving to somewhere that wasn't their school.

"Where are we going now?" Draken asked.

"To put some scumbags in their place" Mikey says as he speeds up.

After minutes, they arrived a park where no one was there, but Toman people and 5 guys.

Mikey gets off his bike and Toman members open a path for him and Draken.
They greeted them and bowed.

"Who's the head" Mikey said looking at the 5 guys on their knees.

4 of them pointed at the guy in the middle, exposing the boy.

"It was his idea!" One of them said.

"Idea? What idea?" Mikey stares at the one who spoke.

"T-to teach Y/N L/N a lesson..." The boy said.

"Was it?..." Mikey closed his eyes.

"Please let us go, beat him up!" The guy said.

Mikey quickly kicks the boys in their head multiple times and then goes for punches.

"If any of you ever touch my man again, I will break your faces till your own mother can't recognize it." Mikey said it with a big smile.

"Ken-chi, let's go!I am hungry" Mikey goes leaves the place with Draken.

Back to Y/N...

He walks inside the school with a bright smile.
Everyone looks at the boy with weird glances and whispering.

Y/N had such a friendly smile, he turns around to see Mikey already gone and drops his smile.

Stretching his arms while walking.
Most of the students were scared of him, most of them hated him, most were indiferent...
No one actually tries to meet new friends at that school, not even the new ones.
They know how awful people there are.

Y/N wasn't heading to his class, but going to find someone.

He found his target smoking on the hallways.

"Yo, are you tired of living?" Y/N stood in front of the smoking student.

"Look what we have here! Aren't you that 《break your bones in seconds》guy?" The boy laughed along with another one.
"I heard that you were beat up very badly! And had to wait for your boyfriend to help you"

"That's the truth tho, I was waiting for my boyfriend actually." Y/N smiled.

"No fun" the boy rolled his eyes after realizing that Y/N wasn't getting offended.

"But, you didn't even tell those bitches to go easy didn't you?" Y/N smiled at him.

"Why would I?" The boy blows the smoke on Y/N's face.

Y/N rubbed his eyes and stared at the boy. He grabs his arm and twisted it.

"Next time I see you messing with me, I will break it" Y/N threatened.

He was going to leave, but got interrupted by a kick on his hip.

"Break it? Short ass bitch, be careful with your words" The boy threw the cigarette to Y/N's shoes.

"You asked for it" Y/N landed a heavy punch on the guy's face breaking his nose and then broke his shoulders with a pull.
"Stay there crying"

Y/N leaves and goes to his classroom.
The teacher was already inside, everyone was noisy until Y/N walks in.

Moments later Y/N sat down, they continued the loud noise.
The teacher continued to give lessons, only some students listened to her.
She was indiferent, she didn't care at all.

Y/N wasn't paying attention to her neither, he was thinking about Mikey.


Hope you liked it!
Sorry for any typo!

Two Faced //Mikey x MaleY/NWhere stories live. Discover now