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Y/N spend the day with his parents, he distracted himself from everything.
He felt like a normal kid, fooling around his parents, laughing and screaming.

"It's already 5pm?" Y/N's father checks the hours.

"Y/N! Isn't it today that you will introduce your boyfriend?" Rose giggled.

Y/N hesitated.
"Yeah....I will be right back! I will go get him haha"

Y/N asks the driver to get him to his other house.
After minutes, Y/N arrived his home and asked the driver to wait a for him.

The boy goes around trying to find Kisaki.
Luckily he found Hanma around.

"Where is him" Y/N asked.

"Who?" Hanma tilts his head.

"That guy" The boy rolled his eyes.

"Which guy?" Hanma acts dumb.

"Just tell me! We've got no time!"

"He is talking to someone right now, don't say a word tho" Hanma starts walking and Y/N follows.


I was walking down streets following Hanma, under a bridge I saw Kisaki talking to a long haired boy.

He looks familiar.
The guy seems to notice me and turns his face back before I could see it.

"Baji?" I widened my eyes.
"Why are you here"

"...I ask the same thing to you" Baji faced me.

"The deal is promised, let me introduce you to Y/N" Kisaki smirks.

"I know who he is" Baji stares at me.

"As the future member of Valhalla" Kisaki chuckled.

"What?" Baji's face was full of unpleasantness.
"Y/N, do you even know what this guy is plan--"

"One more word and the deal is dead" Kisaki warned.

"Future temporary member you mean" I rolled my eyes.
"I've got no time, bitch we need to leave"

"Sure sure" kisaki said

Hanma goes to the opposite direction, while I lead Kisaki to the car.

"Remember how to behave" I said before the silent trip.

Moving on, when we finally got to my parent's place.
I opened the door and we headed to the living room.

"Mother, Father....this is uh...this is" I struggled to speak.

"Manjiro Sano? Mikey right? Our son always talk about you" Rose stood up and greets Kisaki.

"Yes I am, it's a pleasure to meet you" Kisaki bows.

"I thought he had long hair and blonde hair" The father suspected.

"He cut his hair " I quickly spoke.

"What a kind man! Sure Y/N is happy being with you" Rose giggled.

"I appreciate the compliment" Kisaki chuckled.

Two Faced //Mikey x MaleY/NWhere stories live. Discover now