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▪︎□Welcome back□▪︎

(Sorry for any typo)

It's been a week now, Y/N was seen differently by the other people in his school.

He was seen as a cool guy, but with a short temperament.
If no one messes with him, he won't mess with anyone.

"We've been looking for you everywhere" Kisaki said to Y/N who was with his classmates.

The only one Y/N doesn't go easy is Kisaki.

"Get the fuck out of my class room" Y/N rolled his eyes.

"It seems like you've got friends" Hanma smirked in a annoying way.

"It's about Valhalla" Kisaki said.

Y/N let out a sigh.

"I will be back ladies" He smiled and the girls who were around his desk waved.

"I thought you were gay" Hanma tilted his head as the shorter walks past him.

"That's non of your business, gay people have friends too" Y/N rolled his eyes and walks out of the classroom.

They got into a quiet place and waits for kisaki to speak.

"Do it fast, I need to go back to class" Y/N was impatient.

"It's about time for you to know the hideout" Kisaki said.

"Oh, sure. Let's talk about this next time then" Y/N didn't want to hear him now and just starts walking back to class.

The he saw his classmates walking out.

"Y/N, the teacher got a day off, we can leave early today" His classmate said and the boy nodded.

"Sweet!" Y/n goes to get his backpack.

"Great timing" Kisaki holds Y/N's shoulder with a annoying smirk.

"....whatever" Y/N give up and follows them to Valhalla's hideout.

After a while, walking down an empty street, Y/N got bored.

"Are you kidding me? Where is Vanila's hideout!? You better not be trying to kidnap me motherfucker" Y/N said and they suddenly stopped.

"Thanks for your patience" Kisaki said sarcastically as he opens he door to Valhalla's hideout.

"Uhm....Yeah, sure" Y/N walks in.

He was already kind of disgusted by the dirty looking place.
As soon as he walks in and Hanma closes the door, Y/N was being surrounded by a bunch of people in white jackets.

"What is this short ass doing here Tetta-San?" A guy with baseball bat tried to intimidate Y/N.

Touching his face with the baseball bat, Y/N got serious, annoyed by the act he just pushed the object away.

"Be quiet, he is in the gang for almost 3 months before you" Kisaki smirked as the other guy backs up.

"Apologies, I didn't know you were a veteran..." the guy said.

"Oh, ok" Y/N didn't careless.

"Should we do the loyal test?" Hanma chuckles.

The other members were excited for the loyal test that Hanma talked about.
Y/N was left confused while Kisaki also liked the idea.

"Loyal test for what? I will only stay for one fight." Y/N rolled his eyes and put his hands in the pant pockets.

"You've to do it now" Kisaki said.

Two Faced //Mikey x MaleY/NWhere stories live. Discover now