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Sorry for any typo!

"Y/N!" Mikey was outside waiting for Y/N.

"Mom, I am going out!" Y/N puts his shoes on.

"Have fun honey!" The mom said.

"Let's go" Mikey starts walking forward.

"Where is Draken?" The boy asked.

"He is coming, we will wait for him" Mikey replied.

They waited for Draken near a random park while eating some snacks.

Draken shows up minuts later with Mitsuya and Chifuyu around.

"Y/N, it's been a long time" Draken softly smiled.

He was the only one who didn't blame Y/N for anything.
Always looked at Y/N as a dear friend.

"Yeah...." Y/N was a little akward.

"Did you two get back together?" Chifuyu asked the two.

They widened their eyes, Mikey frowns and straightforward said no.
Y/N denied too, but he slightly bites his lips and looks away.

"We are just friends now. Don't mention that please" Y/N looks at Chifuyu again.

"Sure" Chifuyu nodded.

"Let's leave this topic" Mitsuya said.
"What are going to do?"

"I was thinking on going to watch a movie"  Draken spoke.

"I'd like to watch a movie too!" Y/N said, he doesn't usually watch movies.

"Let's go then" Mitsuya smiled and the rest agreed.

The group walked to the nearest cinema, choosing the movie they wanted to watch and coincidentally met Takemichi walking with his girlfriend.

"Oh! Hi!" Takemichi and Hinata walks to them.

'Oh shit, L/N-San? Why is he here? Didn't he break up with Mikey? Am I missing something??' Takemichi was confused and asked himself a million questions in what did he do wrong.

The truth about Takemichi looking forward for their break up was because it was the best option for the future.
If Y/N was around Mikey in their future life's, it would be challenging to deal with a lot of things.

Considering that if Y/N never broke up with Mikey, he would never try to be a better person, because Mikey would be too attached to Y/N till the future Mikey finds out and Mikey is be willing to stay with Y/N no matter what.

In the future that Takemichi knows right now, Y/N L/N was never hear again for 12 years.
Naoto told him that Y/N was not seem often after October 31st and over time he wouldn't be seem anymore.

No records about him after that, his parents also left Japan, nobody knows when and how.
They had no records on any airline companies.

Literally disappeared.

But right now, Takemichi looks at Y/N in front of him hanging out with Mikey.
Made him confused.
He was also afraid that they got back together.

"Hello Takemichi! It's been a long time" Y/N greets him with a genuine smile.

The genuine smile that was given to Takemichi made his concerns disappear for short period.

The first time he met Y/N, he was intimated just by the presence of the other.
But this second encounter was surely different, Takemichi just felt easy around him.

"Wanna watch movies together?" Y/N invites them.

"Oh, we were planning on watching a movie too! We would love to join!" Hinata got excited.

Two Faced //Mikey x MaleY/NWhere stories live. Discover now