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Y/N was still thinking in what to do about Kisaki, it was already the next day, Mikey was spending time on Y/N's house.

"Soo, are you going to tell me what happened? " Y/N was sitting next to Mikey.

"Yeah....I got into a fight with Ken-chi, that bastard left Pah behind" Mikey sighs.

Y/N didn't know what to say about it, stayed in silence while listening to Mikey's thoughts.

"So you're going to fight with those Moebius people?" Y/N asks.

"Yes, with half of Toman, I don't need Ken-chi" Mikey said. It even hurt Y/N hearing that.
"I should go visit Takemichi someday, he is still in bed after getting knocked out"

"Can I go with you?" Y/n asked.

"Of course you can! By the way, you called me yesterday" He remembered and waits for Y/N to speak.

"Oh! Its a big new!" Y/N got excited to tell Mikey about his parents.

"My parents are coming to visit! I want you to meet them!" The boy smiles widely, Mikey was shocked and happy.

"Whaaaat! I am getting nervous!" Mikey tries to fix his hair and sits straight as if someone is judging him from afar.

"It will be August 6th, I hope you can have a dinner in my house" Y/N pushes Mikey down with a hug and lays above him.

"I will be there don't worry" Mikey warps his arm around Y/N's body.

"And August 3rd? There is a festival right? Want to go on a date?" Y/N Suggested.

"I am afraid we can't baby.....That's the date I will be fighting Moebius" Mikey strokes Y/N's hair.

"Could have told me earlier" Y/N puffed his cheeks.

Mikey just chuckles.

The room is silent, Y/N could hear Mikey's breathing.
Having his head against the blonde's chest, the heartbeat makes him sleepy.
Mikey felt the same, Y/N's heartbeat made him calm down and sleepy.

The moment was perfect to give them a break of their situations.


It was already night, Mikey says goodbye to his boyfriend and prepared to leave.


After Mikey left, I went upstairs to take a shower.

The day was extremely peaceful, it even helped me to think better on what to do....

I got into the bathroom and took my clothes off, turned the water on and washed myself.

"...I am going to tell him" I said.
"I can't keep lying"

But not now, he's mind is still unstable about fighting Draken.

After that I was thinking about putting my pajamas on and go to sleep  but instead I put on a shirt and pants to go outside.

Took my keys and left the house for a little.

Went to a park nearby and stayed there.

'When am I going to tell him' I sighed.

Two Faced //Mikey x MaleY/NWhere stories live. Discover now