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At late night Y/N couldn't sleep, he was overthinking so much about everything.
Tired but couldn't rest.
Heartbroken but couldn't cry anymore.
Missing Mikey, but couldn't see him anymore.

Y/N went to the kitchen late night to get a cup of water.
Opened a drawer and found a pack of cigarettes.

"He was right, I didn't change at all" Y/N sighed remembering that he didn't throw the cigarettes out.
"But it doesn't matter anymore"

Y/N found a lighter and took one cigarette.
Started to smoke again.
He looks outside of the window and noticed that it was already morning.

The first sunlights hits Y/N's face and the boy quickly closes the curtains.

He goes up to his room to change himself.
After changing he sits on him bed waiting.

Waiting for what? There was noting to wait for.

Y/N gets his belongings and gets out of the house.

Walking down the streets felt unfamiliar, it was so slow.
He heard a motorcycle engine behind him.
Quickly turns around, but disappointed that it wasn't who he expected.

There was no need for him to go around here anymore.

Y/N walks to his school.
Standing in the gate, everything looks the same.
Everyone knew Y/N and Mikey broke up.

Y/N knew who told everyone.

Walking in the hallways, no one was afraid of Mikey's presence anymore around their school.

"Disgusting cheater!" He heard.

"Manjiro Sano is not here to protect you anymore" They laughed.

"I never needed his protection, are you all stupid? Now that we broke up, everything goes normally, I hope y'all love the time where I wasn't with Mikey" Y/N gets closer to the person.

"I am not scared of you" The person said.

"I should get back to my hobbies" Y/N chuckled.
"Hahah....Give me your money dick head"

"N-no, I don't want to give you" The person smirked, trying to hide his nervousness.

"Aww, I am so sorry" Y/N frowns and looked sad.
"But that wasn't a question"

The person quickly threw the money to the floor and left running.

"Only ¥5? Broke ass" Y/N rolled his eyes.

The bell rang and everyone heads to their class, but some skipped.
Y/N wasn't in the mood so he skipped it too.

He goes to the rooftop and stays there.

"Would this be less boring if I had friends?" Y/N lays down the floor.

He was there alone.
He thought he was alone.

"And do you think anyone will want to be your friend?"Y/N heard, he knew who it was.

The boy sat down and looked around to see the two person.

"You look awful" Kisaki smirks.

"You ruined everything!" Y/N felt a big wave of anger.
"You're not afraid of death aren't you? You fucking bitch"

He stood up and tried to attack Kisaki.
But Hanma stopped him using his leg.

"Not now short ass" Hanma said.

"...Leave me alone, you two already did so much to ruin my life, go touch some grass" Y/N walks away.

Why were they there?
Kisaki and Hanma thought that Y/N might be angry Mikey from now on.

Two Faced //Mikey x MaleY/NWhere stories live. Discover now