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Y/N, Y/N what are you doing?
Laying on the bed, only ate Ramen for a while.
Crying your eyes out....again?

Is there nothing that can help you be happy again?
Mikey was the only thing that made Y/N happy the past months.
Nobody made him happier.

"What time is it" Y/N asked himself, he was checking the time since the day he Locked himself in his own house.

It was already August 6th, 6 Am.

With a smile, Y/N took his phone and called his mother.

But the woman didn't pick up, it was other person.

"Miss Scarlett isn't available, I will pass the message" A guy's voice said.

"Hi...uhmm...who the hell is Scarlett." Y/N

"Oh...Is this Miss L/N's son?" The guy asked.


"Excuse me...She is quiet busy. What me to pass her the message you want to give her?" The guy cleans his throat.

"Yeah.....So, I want to know where She and my father is." Y/N goes directly to the point.

"We are still on the plane. They will arrive after an hour" The guy said.

"Sweet, tell them that I will be at the airport waiting for them" Y/N hang up.

"I am totally going to ask who is Scarlett" Y/N sighs.

Prepared himself to get out of the house.
Grabs the key and rushed out of the door.

"I need to get there as soon as possible" Y/N smiled while locking the door.

Walking all alone at the dark streets, only the 24/7 stores were open.
He decided to get some snacks.

While walking in, he found two people, one with braids and the other with blue colored hair plus blonde highlights.

"Here's the change" The worker said.

"Fuck! Did you not bring the money?" The blue haired said.

"I thought you did!" The tall one said.

"You there, might give some help" the taller looks at Y/N.

Y/N ignored their presence and walks out of the store.

"We are talking to you can you hear?" The shorter follows.

"And I am ignoring you" Y/N starts to speed up.

"Looks like we will have to deal this in the hard way" The braided one slightly chuckles.

Y/N felt threatened.
Turned around and tilts his head.

"You think you can beat me?" He smirks confidently, he had worked out while locked in his house for 2 days.
Gained some strength back.

"2vs1" The shorter smirks back.

"I've beaten more that 2 people at the same time" Y/N gets ready while still holding the potato chips he had.

But before anything, Y/N checked the time.

"Fuck! I got no time to play with you two!" Y/N starts to run.

"Hey!" The braided one called for him.

The two got into their bikes and quickly catches Y/N up.

The boy slows down and looks at the two.

"You two have bikes?" He smiled.


"Let's make a deal, I will pay you for a ride" Y/N waits for one of them to answer.

"...sure" The braided hair said.
"Get in"

Y/N sat behind the braided one's bike.

"Take me to the nearby airport as fast as you can" Y/N said.

"Alright, don't get scared of the speed" The braided one starts the engine.

Y/N holds the one's waist to not fall.
He wasn't scared, he was used to this kind of speed when Mikey suddenly races with Draken.

Finally got to the airport.
Y/N got down and gave the two 4000¥.

"Good to deal with you sir" The tall one lazily chuckles and left with his friend.

Y/N walks further and noticed that his snack was gone.
The other two kept it.

He was annoyed of course, but shook the thought off when he saw a tall woman walking out of the airport holding a tall man's arm.

The boy felt such a relief, it's like all the bad thing before never happened.
The cold wind hits Y/N's face, making him to stop spacing out and rush to his parent's arm.

Hugging both of them, they hugged back with a bright smile.
After all those years, Y/N finally meet his parents again.
With his parents by his side, he felt home.

"Mother....Mom" Y/N started to cry.

"You grew up so handsome!" The mother laughs and wipes the tears off.

"Don't cry, I will cry too" Y/N's father said, but his tears were already falling.

"Shall we go home?" The mother asked.

Y/N nodded quickly.

Not a long wait, a black car arrives with a guy coming out of it and opens the car door.

"Get in honey" The mother encouraged.

Y/N quickly gets in and his mother follows.

"Miss L/N, about the last mi---" 1The guy started to speak.

"Business trip" Y/N's father glared.

"Yeah, about the last Business trip, the boss wants you two to finish this task as soon as possible to go back to Europe" The man said.

"Sure, let's leave this talk for another time." The mother said.

Y/N was talking to his parents while heading to their house.

"It's been a long time since we came here" The mother said.

"Miss Rose!" A maid came out of the big house that was owned by Y/N's parents.

Rose was Y/N mother's name.
And Kurai was the father's name.

"Little Y/N! Long time no see! You probably don't remember me anymore" The maid smiled.

"Ya, why didn't you two lend me this house instead of the other one?" Y/N glanced at his mother with a smile.

"Don't be greedy kiddo, we already told you that this one was for business" Kurai pinched Y/N's ear.
"Our business buddies will take a rest at this house'

"I know I know" Y/N smiled.
"Mooom! Dad hit me!"

"I didn't!"

"You dare to hit my son! Prepare to die!" Rose points her finger at the father.

"Please forgive me! I will give you a kiss" The father lifts her up and kisses the woman.

Y/N just stood there, watching the two in their own world.

"So this is how Draken used to feel" Y/N commented with a giggle.


Hope you liked it!
Sorry for any typo!

Two Faced //Mikey x MaleY/NWhere stories live. Discover now